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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-10 03:28



热心网友 时间:2024-02-08 05:53

  求职就是90%的实力加10%的运气。关于销售经理的求职英文 范文 有哪些呢?下面是我为你整理的销售经理英文求职信范文,希望你喜欢。


  April 13, 2000

  P.O. Box 36

  BIIT University

  Beijing, China 100000

  Dear Sir/Madam:

  Please consider me for your Sales Management Program. My background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential.

  Attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. If this holds true, I am sure to be as successful in sales management as I am in my college endeavors. My unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives.

  Because of my "can do" attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals. Please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success. I guarantee you'll be providing your corporation with an outstanding sales management. Thank you for your attention.


  Deng Yun


  Dear sir,

  I am seeking a position as a sales manager, which was advertised in the internet. the position seems to fit very well with my ecation, experience and career intereste.

  Electronic business in computer studies, july,2011, shandong foreign trade vocational college. my studies have included courses in electronic business, java servlet pages , photoshopcs2 , sales marketing and internet marketing. I am highly organized with demonstrared leadership skil in coordinating and motivating workers and in my recent internship at caijing electronic imp./exp. corporation in jiangsu.

  My background and goals seem to match your requirements well. some time ginen,i should have it much better. i am attaching my resume and some writing samples so you may appreciate what i am already able to do, and how much more i should learn to become a full-fledged communications professional. i would greatly appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my possible internship with uniglobal could benefit both your company and myself .


  Dear Ms. Mac Queen:

  Are you looking for a salesperson for the information processing instry? Maybe I can help you.

  I am the corporate representative for twenty major customers at IBM Corporation. Based on this experience I can:

  - Meet large global customers' total information systems requirements

  - Negotiate worldwide volume purchase agreements

  - Sell in international markets

  - Respond to the concerns of senior management

  - Leverage all corporate resources to achieve customer satisfaction

  Although other factors such as career growth are of primary importance to me, you should know that my total compensation is $75,000.

  I appreciate your consideration.

  Very truly yours,

  Wade B. Stanford

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