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Don Ellis的《Solo》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-12 04:12



热心网友 时间:2024-07-30 21:40

歌手:Don Ellis
专辑:New Ideas

By Alsou
Sitting alone here in my room
Staring at your picture
from midnight till noon
Counting the hours, conting the days
You know that i miss you in a million ways
Now I wait in the cold
and this is getting old
No more stories, no more lies
Take me off this ride
When you see me in the hall
I look at the wall
By my actions you should know
I'm going solo
going solo
My friends tried to tell me,
I didn't want to listen
Cos I'm the kind of person gotta find out on my own
I gave you my heart, you tore it apart
But I'm coming back strong,
I knew it was wrong
Now I wait in the cold
and this is getting old
No more stories, no more lies
Take me off this ride
When you see me in the hall
I look at the wall
By my actions you should know
Now I wait in the cold
and this is getting old
No more stories, no more lies
Take me off this ride
When you see me in the hall
I look at the wall
By my actions you should know
I'm going solo
going solo
Now I wait... wait in the cold
and this is getting old
No more stories, no more lies
Take me off this ride
When you see me in the hall
I look at the wall
By my actions you should know
Now I wait in the cold
and this is getting old
No more stories, no more lies
Take me off this ride
When you see me in the hall
I look at the wall
By my actions you should know
I'm going solo


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