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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-11 15:41



热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 00:16

When Lei Feng is mentioned, everyone will give a thumbs up. In his short 22 spring and autumn life, he did many good things for others. He has several spirits: nail spirit - saving time, studying hard, serving the people wholeheartedly, etc. He has a box that is regarded as a treasure. There are "selected works of Mao Zedong", "how steel is made", "Zhao Yiman" and so on. He reads whenever he is free.
  As he said: "there is no nail on a good board, but why can the nail be driven in? It is forced by pressure and drilled in". It can be seen that Lei Feng is a person who cherishes time very much. Because he was an orphan when he was young, people helped him grow up. When he grew up, he didn't forget people's kindness to him, so he worked hard to repay the society. Work hard and study hard. We should learn from Lei Feng's spirit of love and dedication, that is, the spirit of "screw" - wherever we are, we should do our job, love our job and be a "shining screw". We should also consciously participate in various collective activities and labor, win honor for the class without tarnishing, seize the time to study hard, squeeze time in study, study hard, ask more why, and have the spirit of breaking the casserole to the end. After reading Lei Feng's story, I feel that we should learn from Lei Feng's spirit. I remember once when I took a bus, a kind grandfather helped me pick up scattered books; He gave me a hand when I couldn't stand steadily. Isn't all the above Lei Feng spirit?

  Therefore, we should learn from Lei Feng and make Lei Feng's spirit indelible! Let it pass on from generation to generation!

热心网友 时间:2024-11-12 00:17









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