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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-07 12:06



热心网友 时间:2024-05-23 06:19


The advantages of take-out are that there are many kinds of take-out dishes, and there is no time limit. Convenient, quick, time saving, no need to cook by yourself, saving trouble.


Disadvantages of take-out: In order to gain more profits, many merchants may even add some additives to take-out. If you eat this takeaway for a long time, it will easily lead to gastritis and other stomach diseases.


Suggestions for the foreign selling instry are as follows: the take-out platform should carry out the review responsibility, ensure that the online merchants have the qualification to physically operate stores, and eliminate "black workshops".


In the proction process, the platform should strengthen random inspection to ensure that online and offline catering services are of the same quality as the standard, and strictly investigate the "double standards".


热心网友 时间:2024-05-23 06:19


The advantages of take-out are that there are many kinds of take-out dishes, and there is no time limit. Convenient, quick, time saving, no need to cook by yourself, saving trouble.


Disadvantages of take-out: In order to gain more profits, many merchants may even add some additives to take-out. If you eat this takeaway for a long time, it will easily lead to gastritis and other stomach diseases.


Suggestions for the foreign selling instry are as follows: the take-out platform should carry out the review responsibility, ensure that the online merchants have the qualification to physically operate stores, and eliminate "black workshops".


In the proction process, the platform should strengthen random inspection to ensure that online and offline catering services are of the same quality as the standard, and strictly investigate the "double standards".


热心网友 时间:2024-05-23 06:19


The advantages of take-out are that there are many kinds of take-out dishes, and there is no time limit. Convenient, quick, time saving, no need to cook by yourself, saving trouble.


Disadvantages of take-out: In order to gain more profits, many merchants may even add some additives to take-out. If you eat this takeaway for a long time, it will easily lead to gastritis and other stomach diseases.


Suggestions for the foreign selling instry are as follows: the take-out platform should carry out the review responsibility, ensure that the online merchants have the qualification to physically operate stores, and eliminate "black workshops".


In the proction process, the platform should strengthen random inspection to ensure that online and offline catering services are of the same quality as the standard, and strictly investigate the "double standards".


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