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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-07 00:02



热心网友 时间:2024-07-11 03:34






  ( ) 1. A. helpful B. holiday C. healthy D. house

  ( ) 2. A. flower B. flat C. fresh D. forest

  ( ) 3. A. building B. bridge C. village D. behind

  ( ) 4. A. picture B. potato C. principal D. path

  ( ) 5. A. clothes B. closet C. curtain D. city

  ( ) 6. A. away B. make C. tree D. lake

  ( ) 7. A. wash B. much C. clothes D. chess

  ( ) 8. A. over B. on C. road D. own

  ( ) 9. A. meals B. floor C. table D. tell

  ( ) 10. A. flat B. set C. sky D. any


  ( )1.My bedroom is big and nice.

  ( )2.We have maths,Chinese,art and English on Tuesdays.

  ( )3.My father can cook.

  ( )4.Chicken is Amy’s favourite food.

  ( )5.Mr Brown teaches us PE.He’s strong and kind.


  ( )1.A.She likes music. B.She is shy and polite .

  C.She’d like beef.

  ( )2.A.It’s near the table. B.It’s in front of the mountain.

  C.There is a park.

  ( )3.A.Yes,there is. B.No,it isn’t C.Yes,he is.

  ( )4.A.Yes,I am. B.No, I can’t. C.No,problem.

  ( )5.A.We often play ping-pong. B.It’s Wednesday.

  C.We have art and PE.


  1.Mr Carter is my English teacher.He’s __________.

  2.You can see a desk and two_________ in my bedroom.

  3.I don’t like those__________.They are too hot.

  4.There is a ________ over the river.

  5.Mike can sweep the floor.He often does is on________.

  五、听录音,判断对错,对的写T ,错的写F。(10分)

  ( )1.We have English,maths,art and PE on Thursday.

  ( )2.I like Thursday very much.

  ( )3.Our new art teacher is Mr Lynn.

  ( )4.Mr Smith is tall and strong.

  ( )5.I often play basketball with Mr Lynn.


  六、Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的答语,10分)

  ( ) 1. Is there a river in the forest? A. She likes sandwiches.

  ( ) 2. What would you like to eat? B. I’ d like some hamburgers.

  ( ) 3. Can you sing an English song? C. No, there isn’t.

  ( ) 4. What’s her favourite food? D. She’s hard-working.

  ( ) 5.What’s she like? E. Yes, I can .

  七、Read and choose.(单项选择10分)

  ( ) 1. --What do you have ___Fridays?

  -- We have English, PE and music.

  A. in B. on C. at

  ( )2. --Do you often play football on the weekend?

  -- ____________

  A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. No, I do.

  ( ) 3. --What’s he like? --____________________.

  A. He is our PE teacher. B. He is very strong

  C. He can swim.

  ( ) 4. --Are there _______ ______ in the garden?

  --Yes, there are.

  A. many flowers B. a flower C. any flowers

  ( ) 5. There ______an apple beside the book.

  A. is B. are C.have

  八、Put the words in the right order. (连词成句,10分。)

  1. tall buildings, in ,the nature park ,are , there, any (?)


  2. on, do, do, Sundays, what, you (?)


  3. a big bed is there, (.)

  ______ _

  4. young, is, teacher, English,Our, (.)

  5. to eat, like , would, what you (?)


  九、Read and number.(读句,看图,给下列句子排序,使其成为一段通顺的对话。10分)

  ( )Mike: Wow! There are so many pictures here.

  ( ) Sarah: There are so many plants here,too.

  ( 1 ) Zhang Peng: This is the living room.

  ( ) Zhang Peng: Yes, My father can draw very well.

  ( ) Sarah: Cool!

  ( ) Zhang Peng: They’re my grandmother’s plants. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house.

  There are lots of flowers in it.

  十、Read and judge.(阅读理解。读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)(10分)

  I’m Wu Yifan. I’m 11years old. I’m a good student at school. I can speak English well, sing English songs, dance and play basketball. I’m also a good child at home. I can help my mother cook the meals and wash the clothes . My sister is eight years old. She can play the pipa and draw cartoons. But she can’t cook. My brother can do some kung fu. But he can’t play the piano.

  ( )1. Wu Yifan can sing and dance.

  ( )2. Wu Yifan’s sister can cook the meals.

  ( )3. Wu Yifan’s brother can play the piano.

  ( )4. Wu Yifan is ten years old.

  ( )5. Wu Yifan’s sister is eight years old.

  十一、Read and write(读短文,根据短文内容和图片先选择,再写一写你自己的房间,10分).

  Look! This is Zoom’s room. There is a bed in the room. There is a desk beside the bed. There is a computer on the desk. There are some books on the bed. There are two plants near the bed. There is a photo on the wall. The room is very nice. Do you like it?

  ( )1. Which is Zoom’s room? Read and tick(选出正确图片)

  2.What’s in your room? Write four sentences about your room.


  There is ____________________________________________________


  There are ___________________________________________________






  1. A. helpful 2. A. flower 3. B. bridge 4. B. potato

  5. A. clothes 6. D. lake 7. A. wash

  8. A. over 9. C. table 10. D. any


  ( )1.My bedroom is small and nice. (×)

  ( )2.We have maths,Chinese,art and English on Tuesdays. (×)

  ( )3.My father can cook. (√)

  ( )4.Chicken is Amy’s favourite food. (×)

  ( )5.Mr Brown teaches us PE.He’s strong and kind. (√)


  1.What is your sister like? 1—5 B A A B C

  2.Where is the sofa?

  3.Is there a bike?

  4.Can you do any kunfu?

  5.What do you have on Wednesdays?


  1.Mr Carter is my English teacher.He’s strict.

  2.You can see a desk and two plants in my bedroom.

  3.I don’t like those sandwiches .They are too hot.

  4.There is a bridge over the river.

  5.Mike can sweep the floor.He often does is on Saturdays.

  五、听录音,判断对错,对的写T ,错的写F。(10分)FTFFT

  There are seven days in a week.I go to school from Monday to Friday.I like Thursdays best. We have Chinese,maths,art, English and PE.I like PE.Mr Lynn is our new PE teacher. He is tall and strong. He’s young and funny.We all like him.I often play basketball with him.




  1—5 AABBA 6—10 DAACD


  1—5 ××√×√


  1—5 B A A B C


  1.strict. 2.plants 3.sandwiches 4.bridge 5.Saturdays.

  五、听录音,判断对错,对的写T ,错的写F。(10分)

  1—5 FTFFT


  六、Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的答语,10分)

  1—5 C B E A D

  七、Read and choose.(单项选择10分)

  1—5 B B B C 八、Put the words in the right order. (连词成句,10分。)

  1. Are there any tall buildings in the nature park?

  2.What do you do on Sundays?

  3.There is a big bed.

  4.Our English teacher is young.

  5.What would you like to eat?

  九、Read and number.(读句,看图,给下列句子排序,使其成为一段通顺的对话。10分)

  1—5 241365

  十、Read and judge.(阅读理解。读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)(10分)

  1—5 TFFFT

  十一、Read and write(读短文,根据短文内容和图片先选择,再写一写你自己的房间,10分).


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