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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-07 10:03



热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 11:40

  With the popularity of computers and networks, colleges and universities have established in the C / S or B / S structure of the online course selection system. Compared with traditional methods course selection, credit elective course selection system uses local area network has brought convenience to students. Students on a PC getting through the network to course selection in public schools or dormitory room, course selection has not ended as long as the students the flexibility to modify their elective cases. It is obviously improving the efficiency of the school course selection. Office of Academic Affairs of the teachers will manage the elective system administrators to know student enrollment subsystem situation in which the student elective work to achieve a systematic and automated, greatly improving the efficiency of the school.
  This paper is written which is based on the WEB in the development of credit class selection system . System uses the B / S structure design and development , system-based VS.NET platform coding, the use of ASP.NET as a development language, SQLServer2000 as the database. System containsof login moles, elective moles, personal information mole, course selection rules mole, the Advanced Query mole, the printing mole, to meet the needs of students in course selection.
  Keywords: ASP.NET; B / S; credit.


热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 11:40

The credit system of students elective course system design and implementation
Pick to: with the popularity of computer and network, and have higher school established C/S or B/S structure of online courses system.
Compared with the traditional elective course system, the credit system way for students used network course brings convenient. The school public generator-room, or in the dormitory personal computers through the network to elective course haven't deadline, if, for students to revise their courses flexibly, greatly improved the school courses efficiency. The teacher is dean course system administrator by subsystem, the management of students course course work allows students to systematize and automation, greatly improving the school work efficiency.This thesis is in the development of the course system based on WEB based on credit writing. Systems use B/S structure design and development, system based on the coding realize the asp.net platform, use VS asp.net as development language, SQLServer2000 as database. System including login mole, selective mole, personal information mole, selective rules mole, senior inquires the mole, print mole, and strive to meet needs of students' course selection.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-05 11:41

i want to help, but it really takes time....
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