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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-04 10:28



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 09:50

1 Unequal employment opportunitiesThe reason [of] inequality of income distribution [is not only] caused by changes in the instrial structure, but also [resulted from] the consequences of structural reform and macroeconomic policy adjustments brought about. Adjustment[s] of instrial structure and the opportunity [of] continually upgrad[ing] to "the rich” to bring the income [while downgrading to] the "poor["] have significantly changed the employment and income [schemes] since the 1990s, [ring which] a number of China's implementation[s] of reform [brought about] uneven employment [problems]. [Among them was] the distribution of income differentiation between differentsectors[.] [In] mid-1990s , our country [launched] some macroeconomic policies in favor of "the rich " to increase revenue[.] But "the poor " [did not see any] major changes [in their income]. [From that time on, however,] three areas of policy arrangements on income distribution [have brought about] direct or indirect impact [on]: [1) a] wave of urbanization across the country [to raise income levels among] low-income [people], particularly [beneftting] farmers; [2) implementation of] a proactive fiscal policy process [that may have made] the Government ["poor " but the "rich " richer]; [3) an improper arrangement of China's financial system and policies, [which may have created bigger] income gap[s] [between the rich and the poor].

去掉建议改动的标识 [ ] 就是一篇好的论文摘要。

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 09:50

1 Unequal employment opportunities
The reason both inequality of incomedistribution caused by changes in the instrial structure, but also theconsequences of structural reform and macroeconomic policy adjustments broughtabout. Adjustment of instrial structure and the opportunity to continuallyupgrade to "the rich” to bring the income, but reced the "poor.persons ' employment and income opportunities since the 1990s , a number ofChina's implementation of reform has brought uneven employment opportunities ,etc. , caused by the distribution of income differentiation between differentsectors ; 20 since the mid-1990s , our country some macroeconomic policiesimplemented in ftvor of "the rich " to increase revenue , but "the poor " environmental income no major changes since the mid-1990 's,the equality of the three areas of policy arrangements on income distributionbring a direct or indirect impact : First wtve of urbanization across thecountry rise to low-income persons, particularly small positive impact on thefarmers ; second is to implement a proactive fiscal policy process, theGovernment is "poor " and the chance "the rich " will bringinequality ; Third improper arrangement of China's financial system andpolicies , and one of the "poor " and " rich " income gapis an important reason.追问不是一模一样的吗

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