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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-21 04:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:29

1 文化遗产是一种保存了很长时间的东西
Cultural heritage is a kind of thing that preserved for a long time.
2经历了那场战争后能幸存下来 他感到很幸运
He feels fortunate to survive after going through that war.
Did you accede to that party?
I’d just to be a square peg in a round hole in here.
This shop is open until 11 p.m .
Qian Xuesen was never satisfied with his successes.
This problem is worthy of discussing again and again.
It is worth while to discuss the problem again and again.
This is a problem deserving of discussing again and again.
8与其说他是摄影师 不如说他是个艺术家
He is more of an artist than a photographer.
To turn out the existence of God is impossible .
There must be someone stoled the painting.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:29

1. 文化遗产是一种保存了很长时间的东西
Cultural heritage is a kind of thing that is preserved for a long time.

2. 经历了那场战争后能幸存下来 他感到很幸运
He felt very fortune to be able to experience and then survive that war.

3. 你有没有加入那个政党?
Are you in that party?

4. 我觉得在此格格不入
I feel that I don't belong here at all.

5. 这个商店一直营业到晚上十一点
This shop is open until eleven o'clock at night.

6. 钱学森对他的成功从不满足
Qian XueSheng was never fully satisfied with his current successes.

7. 这个问题值得再三讨论(3种方式)
This question is worthy of further discussion.
This problem must be debated further.
This question needs more analysis and discussions.

8. 与其说他是摄影师 不如说他是个艺术家
You should say that he is an artist rather than a photographer.

9. 证明上帝存在是不可能的
It is impossible to prove the existence of God.

10. 一定是某人偷走了这幅画
There must be someone who stole this painting.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 04:30

1.Cultural heritage is a sort of thing keeping a long time.
2.He felt very lucky for his survival after experiencing the war.
3.Do you join that political party?
4.I feel incompatible with here.
5.This shop is open until eleven o'clock at night.
6.Qian Xueshen never satisfied with his success.
7.This question is worth talking over again and again.
8.He is not so much a camerist as an artist.
9.Proving the existence of the God is impossible.
10.Someone must have stolen this painting.
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