发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-20 18:07
热心网友 时间:2023-10-30 17:45
不耻下问,拼音:,bù chǐ xià wèn,解释:,乐于向学问或地位比自己低的人学习,而不觉得不好意思。,出处:,《论语·公冶长》:“敏而好学,不耻下问。”,典故:,卫国大夫孔圉聪明好学,更难得的是他是个非常谦虚的人。在孔圉死后,卫国国君为了让后代的人都能学习和发扬他好学的精神,因此特别赐给他一个“文公”的称号。后人就尊称他为孔文子。孔子的学生子贡也是卫国人,但是他却不认为孔圉配得上那样高的评价。有一次,他问孔子说:“孔圉的学问及才华虽然很高,但是比他更杰出的人还很多,凭什么赐给孔圉‘文公’的称号?”孔子听了微笑说:“孔圉非常勤奋好学,非常聪明,而且如果有任何不懂的事情,就算对方地位或学问不如他,他都会大方而谦虚的请教,一点都不因此而羞耻,这就是他难得的地方,因此赐给他“文公”的称号并不会不恰当”。经过孔子这样的解释,子贡终于明白了。,翻译:,condescend to ask for advice是不准确的,condescend [ˌkɒndɪˈsend] (注意重音在第三个音节上哦),动词,表示屈尊,但是先别急着用,让我们看看英文释义:,condescend: If someone condescends to do something, they agree to do it, but in a way which shows that they think they are better than other people and should not have to do it.,从英文释义可以看出,这样的屈尊并不是因为谦虚而产生的,更像一种作态,是假装的和蔼可亲。,可以翻译成not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates,subordinate: If someone is your subordinate, they have a less important position than you in the anization that you both work for.,subordinate,名词,下级,通常表达等级的上下关系,限定了使用范围,尽管身为领导,他却不耻下问,所以他能把各种事情都处理得很好。,Leader as he is, he did not feel ashamed to ask and learn from his subordinates. Therefore, he could manage everything.,如果是学问上的上下关系,可以用not feel ashamed to ask and learn from the less knowledgeable,不辞而别,拼音:,bù cí ér bié,解释:,辞:告辞;别:离别。没有告辞就离开了。或悄悄溜走了。,出处:,元·郑德辉《王粲登楼》第一折:“报老爷得知,王粲不辞而别去了。”,翻译:,leave without saying goodbye/ leave without telling somebody,他别无选择,只能不辞而别。,He had no choice but to leave without saying goodbye.,现在我知道当初自己不辞而别你作何感想了。,Now I can know how you feel when I left without telling you.