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求助!英语翻译 1无可否认,交通拥堵是一个棘手的问题,城市当局应该采取措施解决它

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-20 13:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 06:46

1 there is no denying the fact that the traffic jam is a tough question, the city authorities should take measures to solve it
2 consider the seriousness of the situation to, in its further deterioration before, both parties should deal with rational conflict
3 now people will put the success in life and money comparable
4 we should spare no effort to beautify our environment
5 in speed and comfort and bicycle are of transportation like car and train the compared


热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 06:47

1.Undoubtly,the traffic jam is a tough problem,which the city authorities should take measures to solve.
2.Taking the severity of the situation into consideration,both sides of the conflict should deal with the problem logically before it gets worse.
3.Nowadays,people relate success of life with money.
4.We should spare no effort tobeautify the environment around us.
5.Bycycle can't match up to cars in speed or cosies.追问1一个社区的居民之间应该保持一种和谐关系,这点至关重要

追答1.It is of great inmprotance for the residents in the same community
to keep a harmonious relationship.
2.The famous artist modestly owes his success to luck instead of talent
3.Generally speaking,the weather gets warmer in more southward places.
4.He is the only one that wins the nobel literature award among the graates from Harvard.
5.We shouldn't do things which do no good to ourselves as well as others in any case.
强烈要求求加分啊 。。。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 06:47

1. There is no denying that traffic congestion is a tough issue. The city government should take actions to solve it.
2. Considering the severity of the situation, the parties at odds should deal with it rationally before it gets worse.
3. Nowadays people are judging success in terms of money or wealth.
4. We should do everything we can to improve the environment in our surrounding area.
5. In terms of speed and comfortability, bicycles can not be compared to other means of transportation like cars or trains.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 06:48

1.we can not deny the fact that traffic jam is a Gordian knot which the city authorities should take effective measures to solve.
2.considering the seriousness of the sitution, the two sides should deal with it rationally in case of getting worse.
3.nowadays, the public often think success in lfe and money are comparable.
4.we should beautify the envionment around us to our full capacity.
5.in terms of the speed and comfort level, bicycles can not compare with such vehicles like cars and trains.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 06:48

1 There is no doubt that traffic jam is a tough problem,the city authorities should take measures to solve it
2 Considering the seriousness of the situation,both sides of the conflict should handle it rationally before it's getting worse
3 Nowadays people regard money as success
4 We should do our best to make our environment more beautiful
5 In speed and comfort,bicycles can't compare with cars , trains and other traffic tools like them.
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