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求好的翻译 谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-21 23:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:49

in the University before, I always take an oath devoutly. I must Study hard, make progress every day. And so on it. My mouth which appear in every day. Muddle along without any aimtwo months in summer in the past.
But in came to the University, all the ideas are university fresh washed out immediatelybefore. The daily activities of pressing me out of breath, I asked myself first: my university for what? Experienced a half semester busy, I ushered in the next semester idle tears. In thissemester I more degenerate, the heroic utterance before had left to be flung to the four winds. Every day to the mobile phone waste your life. I suddenly thought of, what is the progress of the times, or degenerate. Later I came to know, not the question of the age. The changes, people's thinking too quick, fast pace of life, created the impetuous social atmosphere.
The big two, determined to change yourself, start from their own English, so the English and minored in class. The spoken English class, only to find how Chinese own spoken language.Learn the English translation, only to find themselves how bad. The speech class, found themselves with completely different before class, the teacher needs to everyone sound, this is not a small challenge for the shy I. But I think this approach the teacher is very good, not only can exercise their confidence, for the pronunciation improve does have great benefits.Once, I stand on the stage to sing, although tone deaf, but I'm still happy. I have successfully taken the first step, I believe that their future will be able to go farther.
I decided to stay away from mobile phones, love life. Do good good study, day day up.
Trying to find my lost youth, trying to find my lost youth.
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