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济宁英语简介 要简结

发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-02 19:59



热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 13:51

, Introced the basic
Ancient times, now five, six thousand years ago, here to spread a large number of villages in the original. Living in Jining "There's still" has entered a period of patriarchal clan commune. Xia, Jining City area referred to as "Ren" (that is, still, still ancient, he served as a homonym of the word) until the Shang and Zhou dynasties. Qin unified China after the abolition of the feudal home counties, renamed County office. Five Dynasties period, said Jeju. Jeju ring the Northern Song Dynasty said in Jiyang County. Million to eight years (in 1271) or Jeju for the government of Jining, Jining This is the name first appeared in the 1990s. Jining names of the origin of any city in the vicinity reported as a result of higher ground to avoid flooding, to the security Ning, and are thus Jining. Ming Dynasty House Jining for the first time, after a state Yanzhou, when the Qing Dynasty to the state Jining Province. After the Revolution, the repeal of the state set up, one after another as Dai Nan Road, Jining Road. KMT rule has an Luxi Civil Administration in the first and second district inspector. Puppet is a period of Luxi, after economic Yanzhou Reform Road. Anti-Japanese War after the victory of the KMT's statistical period (August 1945-January 1946, September 1946-July 1948), known as the Jining Jining County, Shandong Province is the second district Office of the Chief Inspector. Jan 9, 1946, the People's Liberation Army for the first time the liberation of Jining, and then to the outskirts of urban areas designated as the city of Jining, an area seven Jilu Yu, was promoted on March 29 cities directly under the Administrative Office Jilu Yu, in September the same year, KMT military occupation of Jining. July 14, 1948 after the liberation to regain Jining, Jining City and the suburbs of the original complex, said the city of Jining. Ji Luyu the beginning of an Administrative Office, in August the same year under the Shandong Province, Lu is a China-South Africa Administrative Office.
Jining City, located in the Southwest region, south-west of Shandong Province, dominates the city of 2 area (the city of any city), 3 county-level cities (Yanzhou Zoucheng Qufu), 7 counties (micro-Yu Tai Shan Jia-xiang Kim Heung Wenshang Surabaya Leung Hill). Area of 11,000 square kilometers, the population of 8,220,000, is in the eastern mountains, is the central and western plains, lakes and low-lying land, rivers criss-crossing, the traffic is very convenient, Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, Beijing-Kowloon Railway runs its length north-south, railway and Yan Shi Ji The new railway across the East and West, East and Japan with high-speed Beijing-Fuzhou throughout the whole territory, but also 104 National Highway and State Road 327 Interchange, Jining Qufu Airport in September 2008 an official navigation, Jining City-the-art communications equipment, the city has achieved a program-controlled Telephone network to dial directly to the world.


济宁市位于鲁西南地区,山东省的西南部,现辖2市辖区(市中 任城)、3县级市(曲阜 兖州 邹城)、7县(微山 鱼台 金乡 嘉祥 汶上 泗水 梁山)。面积11000平方公里,人口822万,东部是山区,中西部是平原、洼地和湖泊,河流纵横交错,交通十分方便,京杭大运河和京沪铁路、京九铁路纵贯南北,兖石铁路和济新铁路横穿东西,日东高速与京福高速贯穿全境,又是104国道和327国道的交汇处,济宁曲阜机场于2008年9月正式通航,济宁市通讯设备先进,全市已实现了程控电话联网,可直拨世界各地。

PS 绝对真实!

热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 13:52


热心网友 时间:2023-09-25 13:52

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