发布时间:2023-04-03 04:50
时间:2024-12-01 12:27
问题一:海尔英文怎么读 Haier
This was Hyer's last fight, for no one else challenged him
问题二:海尔集团的英文名怎么讲 海尔的标志在中英文海尔的基础上历经多次变更,目前看到最上头位置的是截止2006年1月20日的版本,海尔的附属标志、单一产品标志和其他第五元素就更多了,在此不多说。 海尔这个品牌原来是德国一家企业的,八十年代初和青岛电冰箱厂联姻,当时混血儿叫青岛力勃海尔电冰箱厂,厂长就是后来大名鼎鼎的张瑞敏。在当时国内的土包子企业都用汉语拼音当商标的时候,张瑞敏和德国企业分家就把这个洋商标搞到手了,不能不说棋高一着,这个洋名字还和汉语拼音的海尔是一致的。海尔的发音好记,是元音打头,又是开口音,读起来朗朗上口,用英文念起来也动听,还记得4年前有个海尔的英文广告:“HAIER AND HIGH”至今未能忘。 张瑞敏有一句名言:“企业家要做设计师和牧师的工作,设计师就是设计产品,牧师就是不断灌输理念,做思想工作”。张牧师是如何工作的呢?敢情就是躲在办公室不断地翻英文字典和练习钢笔字。张牧师灌输理念有一套自己方法,不断的炮制出各种以英文字母打头的概念,比如什么“3个c”“6个s”“5个 m”的产品线、管理法、服务措施,多的不胜枚举,把这些东西贴在生产线上,工人们不由得不仰视。以张牧师不会太好的英文来揣测,搞出这么多条条来是要下一番功夫学习的。张牧师的另外一个特点就是勤练钢笔字,上面大家看到的手写“海尔”“真诚到永远”“海尔是海”等据传就是张的手笔。 抛开这些表面因素不谈,看看亚洲制造业能够拿得起来的地方集中在日本、韩国、山东半岛这些儒家文化传统深厚的地方,这个现象不是偶然的,制造业需要次序、服从、纪律和其他的要素儒教文化都提供了相应的基础,海尔、海信、浪潮等一大批能规模化的制造业云集在山东半岛,颇让人费思量。 作者:王晓元 本站原创,转载请注明
问题三:海尔集团英文简介 Haier was incorporated in 1984, entrepreneurship in 26 years, insist on entrepreneurship and innovation spirit, create world famous brand from a shaky business has bee a global collective *** all factory owns more than 70,000 employees, 2010 turnover 1357 billion yuan of globalization group pany.
Haier has bee the first brand for global white goods, and was Newsweek (Newsweek website named as the world top ten innovative pany.
Haier to create the age of the Internet world famous brand.
The Internet age world famous brand is characteristic of can quickly meet the user's indivialized demand, the enterprise needs to mass customization rather than mass manufacturing.
Haier seize Internet opportunities to solve this challenge, and actively explore practice win-win mode, single unity through DaoSanJiao organizational innovation and end-to-end independent operation body construction, realizes from sell procts to sell service transition, create business of alienation, sustainable petitive advantage.
Leading the trend of development advantage - haier accumulative patent application 1 million multinomial, home appliance enterprise in China top, and take the lead to achieve the international standard of zero breakthrough.
Haier accumulative total has joined fifty-one international standard drafting, 27 a standard has promulgated.
Haier through standard output, driving the whole instry chain ex......>>
问题四:谁知道“集团股份有限公司”用正规英文应该怎么说?比方说,海尔集团股份有限公司 一般来说,“集团股份有限公司”用 Group Co., Ltd.来表示就可以了,或者 Group (Stock) Co., Ltd.
个人独资企业:sole proprietorship enterprise / sole investment enterprise
国营企业:state-run enterprise
国有企业:state-owned enterprise
集体企业:collectively-run enterprise
乡镇企业:township enterprise
公营企业:public enterprise
私营企业:private enterprise
私营工商业:privately owned indivial and mercial enterprise
公私合营企业:joint state-private enterprise
合作社企业:cooperative enterprise
合资企业:joint venture
外向型企业:export-oriented enterprise
劳动密集型企业:labor-intensive enterprise
技术密集型企业:technology-intensive enterprise
国有大中型企业:big-and-medium-sized state-owned enterprise
亏损企业:money-losing enterprise
工业企业:instrial plex
生产型企业:proction enterprise
sino-foreign joint ventures
sino-foreig埂 cooperative enterprise
foreign-funded enterprise
问题五:海尔兄弟英语怎么说 the Hair Brothers 一定要加the
问题六:洗衣机用英语怎么说 washer-drier 附有脱水机的洗衣机 washer 洗衣机 washing machine 洗衣机