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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-02 01:01



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 09:33



  the ship is about to start. let's go on board.


  is there a daily passenger ship to dalian?


  look!the ship is lifting anchor.


  how many ports do me call at on our passage to dalian?


  the ship is rolling and pitching now.


  you look pale. are you seasick?


  i have some tablets for seasickness.


  the sea is very rough.


  i'm afraid i'm going to be sick.


  maybe we'll be in port before long.


  a sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.



  a:the ship is about to start. let's go on board.

  b:all right. (passing up the gangway)

  a:where is our cabin?

  b:cabin no. 3,the upper deck. it's near amid ship.

  a:here we are. there're four berths,two upper berths and two lower berths.

  b:which is your berth?

  a:the upper one.

  b:let's go for a walk on the deck.

  a:ok. is there a daily passenger ship to dalian?


  a:when does this ship 1eave?

  b:four sharp.

  a:how many days does it take to dalian?

  b:about two days. it arrives in dalian at 6∶00p. m. the day after tomorrow. look!the ship is lifting anchor.

  a:how many ports do we call at on our passage to dalian?

  b:two ports.

  a:the ship is going very fast.

  b:perhaps she makes about 25 knots an hour.

  a:ah,there is a small boat coming towards us.

  b:and she is signaling to us.

  a:the weather doesn't look very good. look at all those clouds over there.

  b:yes,the wind is beginning to blow but the radio said the weather would be fine today.

  a:the wind is blowing hard. it's started to rain. there's going to be a storm.

  b:the ship is rolling and pitching now. you look pale. are you seasick?

  a:i don't feel very good.

  b:i have some tablets for seasickness.

  a:they give me no help at all.

  b:then we'd better go back to our cabin.

  a:the sea is very rough. i get terribly seasick. i'm afraid

  i'm going to be sick.

  b:go to bed and shut your eyes. it will be all right. the storm will be over soon. (the wind is dropping and the clouds are breaking. )

  b:well,the storm is over,the sea's calming down. how do you feel?

  a:i feel much better now.

  b:i see a red light off our bows.

  a:is that a light house?

  b:yes,may be we'll be in port before long.

  a:how long does this ship lie at anchor here?

  b:half an hour.

  a:it is going to dock. let's go ashore to buy some local and special procts.


乘船旅行,能观赏到大海那壮阔波澜的景色。下面是我分享的关于撑船的英语口语,希望能对大家有所帮助!the ship is about to start. let's go on board.船就要开了,我们上船吧。is there a daily passenger ship to dalian?每天都有班船开往大连吗?look!the ship is lifting anchor.瞧,船起锚了。


The sea is calm and peaceful. A seat trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.真是风平浪静。这样的好天气乘船海上旅行真让人惬意。It is said that all the ladies have to wear evening dress at the Gala Dinner.我听说在庆典晚宴上所有女士都要身着晚礼服。Where is my cabi...


乘船英语口语对话 (Austin is taking a boat trip to Tasamnia. He and his friendare strolling on the deck. )A:Nice day,isn't it?B:Yes,it couldn't be better!A sea trip is always enjoyable in fine weather like this.A:I hope it will remain fine all the way.B:So...


旅行英语对话2:火车旅行 Rumei: Bina, come and join us. 如梅:比娜,跟我们一起来吧。 Bina: Thanks. Hi, everyone. 比娜:谢谢,大家好。 Rumei: Bina, you haven't met our friend Dashan yet. 如梅:比娜,你还没有见到过我们的朋友大山呢。 Bina: Hi, Dashan. I'm Bina Kapoor. 比娜:大山,你好。


8、cruise主要指乘船的游览并在多处停靠。journey的短语:1、Go on a journey,表示出发去旅行,例如They went on a journey to the mountains.2、Journey to,表示到达某个地方的旅程,例如Our journey to Paris was long but comfortable.3、Journey through,表示穿过某个地区的旅程,例如We went ...


steerage统舱 gang-plank跳板 crossing横渡 cruise游弋 toembark,toship乘船 toland抵岸,tosailataspeedof20knots,航速为20节 totransship换船 todisembark上岸 toboardaship;toembark;togoaboard上船 todisembarkfromaship,togoashore,toland下船 onboardaship,aboard在船上 tostopoverat...中途在…停留 ...


儿童英语口语800句,涵盖日常生活的各个方面,让学习变得生动有趣。从简单的问候到复杂的场景对话,帮助孩子们掌握生活情境中的英语表达。日常交际:1. "Hello!"2. 多种问候语,如“Good morning”和“Garden talk”。3. 户外活动建议与描述: 例如,"Let's play in the park" 和 "Exploring the ...


口语多用,常指为公务或游玩作的较短暂的旅行。voyage: 指在水上旅行,尤指海上旅行,也可指空中旅行。excursion: 较正式用词,常指不超过一天的短时期娱乐性游玩,也可指乘火车或轮船往返特定景点的远足旅游。expedition: 指有特定目的远征或探险。cruise: 主要指乘船的游览并在多处停靠。

英语I like by sea怎么翻译?

i like by sea——我喜欢坐船 重点词汇:sea 发音:英 [siː];美 [siː]翻译:海;海洋;海浪;(SEA)单一欧洲法案 复数: seas 短语搭配 by sea 乘船 sea level 海平面 on the sea 在岸边 sea cucumber 海参 open sea 远海;公海 双语例句 I would like to send this par -...

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