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发布网友 发布时间:2023-04-01 09:47



热心网友 时间:2023-11-18 19:00



   前言: 《福布斯》杂志将爱荷华州评为年轻专业人士的最佳城市,并荣登该杂志《商业与职业最佳地区》的榜首。


  • Total population is 3 million (2011) – less than 1% of total US population

  • Located in the mid-west part of the US; borders with Minnesota to the north, Wisconsin and Illinois to the east, Missouri to the south and Nebraska and South Dakota to the west

  • Capital and largest city is Des Moines

  • Climate is humid continental – hot summers and harsh winters

  • Famous Iowans include actors John Wayne and Elijah Wood, non-fiction author Bill Bryson, and women’s rights pioneer Carrie Chapman Catt

  • Eldon, Iowa, is the site of Dibble House – the inspiration for Grant Wood’s iconic 1930 painting ‘American Gothic’

  • Films set in Iowa include Cedar Rapids (2011), Field of Dreams (1989), Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) and Zadar! Cow From Hell (1989)

  • In 2011, Iowan students who took the SAT had the third-highest average score in the US, behind only Illinois and Minnesota









  In the heart of the US Midwest region and the so-called ‘Corn Belt’, Iowa has long been known for its agricultural strength.gaining the nickname ‘food capital of the world.But, while cereal crops are still big business, in recent years this fertile state has successfully diversified its economy, establishing itself as one of the US’s top destinations for young professionals.In 2012, Iowan capital Des Moines ranked second (after Washington, D.C.) in Forbes magazine’s list of the best US cities for jobs. In 2011 Forbes named it the best city for young professionals, and in 2010 it topped the magazine’s list of the best US regions for business and careers.This success is largely based on Iowa’s strengths in the agriculture, biotech and financial instries, with major employers including Principal Life Insurance Company, Wells Fargo Bank, Pioneer Hi-Bred, and of course John Deere (tractors remain the state’s most profitable commodity export).As well as having a higher concentration of large companies than any other city assessed in the Forbes studies, Des Moines also has high numbers of start-ups and expanding businesses.Unsurprisingly, the city is a popular destination for recent graates. Opportunities for career progression are good, and while salaries are by no means the highest in the US, living costs are relatively low – making for a highly attractive overall package.Iowa is also at the forefront when it comes to US politics. The Iowa caucus is the first major electoral event in the long, state-by-state process of selecting US presidential candidates for both the Republican and Democratic parties – making it a particularly exciting place to be ring electoral campaigns.

  Iowa is part of the ‘Midwest’ region of the US. This term is not always used in the same way, and can be confusing as many of the states included are much further east than you might expect!However, in the categorization used by the US Census Bureau, the Midwest refers to a group of 12 states in the north of the US. Iowa is right in the centre of these, with the other 11 Midwestern states being Minnesota, Illinois, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.It’s usual to hear Iowa’s geography described as flatland, but you’ll also find gentle hills and valleys, prairies and savannahs, wooded areas, lakes and rivers – most notably the Missouri River, along the western border, and the Mississippi River, which runs the full length of the eastern side of the state.After Des Moines, notable cities include Iowa City, Sioux City, Fort Dodge, Davenport, Dubuque and Cedar Rapids.

  在美国中西部地区和所谓的“玉米带”的中心地带,爱荷华州长期以来因其农业优势而闻名。获得“世界粮食之都”的称号。但是,尽管谷类作物仍然是一项大生意,但近年来,这个肥沃的州已经成功地使其经济多样化,成为美国年轻专业人士的首选目的地之一。2012年,在《福布斯》杂志的 美国最佳就业城市排行榜 上,艾奥瓦首都得梅因 排在第二位 (仅次于华盛顿特区)。2011年,《福布斯》杂志将它评为 年轻专业人士的最佳城市 ,并在2010年荣登该杂志 《商业与职业最佳地区》的榜首 。这一成功很大程度上是基于爱荷华在农业、生物技术和金融行业的优势,主要雇主包括主要的人寿保险公司、富国银行、先锋养殖公司,当然还有约翰迪尔(拖拉机仍然是该州最赚钱的商品出口)。除了在福布斯研究中评估的其他城市中,大型公司的集中度更高,得梅因也拥有大量的初创企业和扩张的业务。毫无疑问,这座城市是应届毕业生的热门目的地。职业发展的机会是好的,尽管薪水在美国不是最高的,但生活成本相对较低——这是一个非常有吸引力的整体方案。



  Iowa’s highest ranked university is the University of Iowa (pictured), in Iowa City, which makes the top 200 of the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings.The university offers a wide range of undergraate, graate and professional (more vocational) degrees, and has a fairly diverse student community.An estimated 55% of students come from within Iowa, 25% from adjoining states, 9% from other US states, and about 10% are international students, from 100 different countries.Iowa City is known as a hub of arts and culture, and this is very much a part of student life at the University of Iowa – with regular events including jazz and pop concerts, and visiting talks from artists, writers and scientists.Meanwhile the university’s graate-level creative writing program – known as the Iowa Writers’ Workshop – has a well-founded reputation for procing successful authors. To date, alumni of the course have collected 17 Pulitzer Prizes, and numerous other awards.However, creative writing is by no means the university’s only strength. It is also well known for research in fields including agricultural medicine, biomedical sciences, pharmacology, genetics, hydraulics, space research and speech and hearing.

  Iowa State University (ISU), located in Ames, to the north of Des Moines, also performs strongly in the rankings – appearing in the top 300 of the 2011/12 QS World University Rankings.Like the University of Iowa, ISU has strengths in a wide range of academic fields, and an internationally diverse student community. Meanwhile Ames offers the attractions of small-town life, without the risk of boredom. It has its own share of cultural venues, sporting events and outdoor activities – and if you do want to explore a larger city, Des Moines is only a 30-minute journey away.Iowa’s third public university is the University of Northern Iowa (UNI), in Cedar Falls, which is also well respected both in Iowa and beyond.A much higher percentage of UNI’s students come from within Iowa, compared to the other two state colleges, but nonetheless the university has a strong focus on internationalization. It has a dedicated Center for Multicultural Ecation, and runs a popular study-abroad program, having established partnerships with universities around the world.In addition to these three state universities, Iowa has many private colleges, and there are also community colleges across the state. The latter offer shorter courses, including two-year associate’s degrees, which can then be followed by a further two years to complete a full.

  爱荷华州排名最高的大学是爱荷华大学,该大学在2011 -12 QS世界大学排名中进入了前200名。该大学提供了广泛的本科、研究生和专业(更职业化)学位,并拥有相当多元化的学生群体。据估计,55%的学生来自爱荷华州,25%来自毗邻州,9%来自美国其他州,约10%来自100个不同国家的国际学生。爱荷华市被认为是艺术和文化的中心,这是爱荷华大学学生生活的一个重要组成部分,包括爵士乐和流行音乐会,以及来自艺术家、作家和科学家的访问演讲。与此同时,该大学的研究生水平的创意写作项目——爱荷华作家工作室——在培养成功的作家方面有着良好的声誉。到目前为止,这门课程的校友已经获得了17个普利策奖和无数其他奖项。然而,创造性写作并不是大学唯一的强项。它在农业医学、生物医学科学、药理学、遗传学、水力学、空间研究、语音和听觉等领域的研究也很有名。

  爱荷华州立大学,位于艾姆斯,位于得梅因北部,在排名中也表现强劲——在2011 /12 QS世界大学排名的前300名中出现。与爱荷华大学一样,爱荷华州立大学在广泛的学术领域拥有优势,在国际上拥有多元化的学生群体。与此同时,艾姆斯也提供了小镇生活的吸引力,没有厌倦的风险。它有自己的文化场所、体育赛事和户外活动——如果你想要探索一个更大的城市,得梅因离这里只有30分钟的路程。


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