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急求一篇英语对话 关于一个本地人和一个外国人在机场相遇 的对话

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-01 06:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 20:13

中国人:(C) "Hi my name is Tom are you waiting for the bus too?"
外国人:(W) "Oh, hi there, my name is Kevin, yes I am waiting for the bus to goto Hongkong."
C: "Nice, I've been to Hongkong for a lot of times, it beautiful there, the technologies and foods are great."
W: "You serious? Oh man I heard from my friends that Hongkong is amazing, it looks like it right now."C: "Ha, so what do you want to do when you get there? Is it a business tour?"
W: "Na, I came here on my own interest, I heard that a lot of people are hardworking and friendly here and the human development is high, most people knows and are fluent in English, so I thought I will come and take a look."
C: "A good choice there, Hongkong is amazingly good for shopping and dinning, people call this place the mini version of the world, because things around the world are all concentrated to Hongkong's shopping mall, and after a long day in the shopping mall, it will be awesome to sit down and enjoy a fantastic meal won't it?"
W: "Ha Ha, man that made me all itchy already, I just want to dive into the mall now, when is the bus coming?"
C: "As far as I can tell it will be here in any minute."
W: "Okay, tell me more."
C: "Alright, Hongkong also holds the world's most popular theme parks too, The ocean park and Disney land, if your children was here they will call those places heaven! Oh guess what? here comes the bus"
W: "Wow, time flies when you are enjoying it."
C: "Indeed, that things we don't have in Hongkong, Not enough time to shop, Not enough money in the pocket, and not enough planning.


苍雷剑和翻天印哪个好 还有玄冰剑和照妖镜 武林外传现在收购一套+15或者+16的法宝玄冰剑,苍雷剑大概是多少钱,求解... 武林外传苍雷剑玄冰剑可以用什么符强化 诗经桢字诗句 删除电脑里的共享文件夹在哪里设置电脑共享文件怎么删除 为什么我点击qq面板上的qq游戏会显示密码不正确 "CPR"真的是“检查口袋并跑步”的缩写吗? cpr屏蔽是什么意思? CPR是什么意思 CPD是什么意思 网络广告直销CPR (Cost Per Response ) 机场初次见面时的职场英语 贵州2023年公务员考试时间 妊娠性高血压出现抽搐怎么办 笔记本电脑上有摄像头 QQ聊天怎么显示让他没有呢 我用DELL笔记本,带摄像头的,请问我怎么可以关掉摄像头,在QQ聊天不显示... 这个动漫人物是谁?好萌诶 求干物妹小埋的高清图 越多越好 想问问这种干物妹小埋同人的图是出自哪里的? 求这个图里面那个头像是不是出自动漫如果是,那是出自那部动漫。_百度知... cnki中国知网 高血压多长时间发病 孕妇梦见狗吃鱼见血 高血压和心脏病一天什么时间最难受 轻膳颜人参红石榴汁饮品可以去闭口吗 推销红参石榴汁的意义和目的 食用廉价食用油对人体有危害吗? 正大花生油怎么样 正大农谷花油哪里产的 梦见吃鱼牙齿出血了是什么征兆解梦 梦见鱼吃肉带血 ...却不知道怎样才可以连接这个抽滤装置,请帮忙解答下,谢谢 用小憩造句(大约30个左右) 高血压用药要经常换药吗? 您好?问一下高血压和高血脂患者要经常换药吃吗? 高血压长期服用同一种药好还是定期换 暗物质受引力作用,为什么它没有塌缩成一颗天体或者黑洞? 谁发现万有引力定律跟暗物质有关系 暗物质是否受引力场影响 物体引力越大是否吸引暗物质就越多? 暗物质受引力作用,为啥它们没坍缩成天体或黑洞? 高血压是吃一种降压药好还是老是换药好 高血压脑卒中的先兆有哪些 梦见冰淇淋月饼是什么意思 choose sb. as ...造句? oin是什么意思 化石对考古研究有什么意义 研究地层和化石对什么有重大意义 梦见狗咬自己对象什么意思? 梦见对象被狗咬 梦见自己对象放狗咬还留下印子?