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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-27 04:29



热心网友 时间:2024-11-16 19:37


I'm the terminator.


I would like to tell you, my mother and my friends, they are very simple people, they will not do harm to other people's things.


Without their help, there would be no today's Iverson, they are my most trusted people.


How many people Ai Everson, there are many people hate Iverson, but the important thing is that those who care about you.


Life is a life, you'll meet a lot of things. Once I always frown to change everything, but now I Pfer to smile, or a little more fun.


You always show a strong desire to win, and what does it mean to you?


I am not a man who would hate to be jealous. You got talent, I love you.


Do not give up, always believe that your dream can be realized, and strive for it.


Being the all star is the most important.


Only I can stop myself.


We always talk about training, training, and training, but never talk about anything about the game. I mean, what a stupid thing to do!


Only the brave can survive in this league.


Play with heart. You did what everyone was asking you to do. Whether you are winning or losing, you should be proud of yourself.


I see every game as the last game of my career.


Maybe one day I will stop and rest, in a gorgeous elegy sound, lying on my tombstone, it will become a monument to the hearts of the basketball fans around the world.


They can't beat me, unless I kill me, and anything that doesn't kill me makes me stronger!


I also take every game as their first match, it will give me a lot of fresh feeling. They can't beat me unless I kill me, and anything that can't kill me makes me stronger!


You can be the talent in the world, but if you do not mind, so I don't need you to basketball.


They can't beat me. The only way is to kill me! All can not kill me will only make me stronger.


I don't know what a real point guard is, I just want to do everything we can to win, even if people say I'm selfish.


I am not a pure jealousy, if you are a genius, then I will love you very much.


You can not love me, but you have to be afraid of me at least.


Life is a life, you'll meet a lot of things. Once I always frown to change everything, but now I Pfer to smile, perhaps a little more fun. You may know the taste of life.


I don't know how successful people are, but I know that if you want to succeed, you have to be selfish.


I thought I was the fastest man on the pitch, but I couldn't run time.


One thing, and that's forever.


Everything is as important as life. I can't say it clearly, as long as I'm on the pitch, I'll be in a state of combat. I want to win every game and all I want to do is win.


They are my best friend, when I was in jail, they only come to visit me, and those who Ptend and I'm familiar person? Will write those shit article, I don't know them!


I still love the game, and I also want to play. I feel strongly that I can still compete at a high level of competition.


My height lets the coach only consider me to play the guard, but I believe my talent, I can score, I can score in front of anyone.


I do not have to respect and fear anyone.


They can't beat me, their only way to beat me is to kill me, and if they don't kill me, it will make me stronger.


This is my life, no one would expect me to live.


If you want me to come on the bench, I'd rather choose to retire.


I don't know exactly what a real point guard is, I just know I want to do everything possible to help the team win, even if it means that I was labeled as selfish.


I love them because they love me.
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