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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 14:31



热心网友 时间:2022-05-01 22:43

Teresa: "Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Teresa. I go to the same school as you."
Jack: "Hi, I seen you in school before. I'm Jack. Nice meeting you too."

Larry: "Where are we going to stay on the trip?"
Jason: "Well, I was looking on line the other day. I saw some cheap places that might be good for our budget."
Michael: "Let's find a place that's close to downtown. I don't like to drive around or to be too far away."
Larry: "Please let there be a swimming pool, I want to swim."
Jason: "Alright, I will look online again tonight. I will let you guys know."

Lucy: "I think I'm getting my parent a new TV. The one they got really need to be replace."
Beth: "I don't have that much money, I might go shopping this weekend."
Lucy: "I saw this jacket your mom might like, I can go with you if you want."
Beth: "I don't know, she's got so many stuff already. I might get something they both like. It's easier on me."
Lucy: "Well, you know what you can always do. Just give them some money."
Beth: "Yea, I might just do that."


Jason: "I heard your parents are in town."
Mary: "Yea, they are visiting over the weekend."
Jason: "How is that going? Your parents still doing good?"
Mary: "They are alright. At least they are not fighitng like the last time they were here."
Jason: "That's good, well send them my love."
Mary: "I will, thanks for asking."


Tasha: "What are you doing this Sunday?"
Teresa: "Nothing yet. I don't think I will be doing anything."
Tasha: "Want to go somewhere together?"
Teresa: "Where do you want to go?"
Tasha: "Well, there is this movie that I really want to see. And I need to pick up something for my sister."
Teresa: "Oh, sure I will go with you if you want."
Tasha: "Great, I will pick you up then."
Teresa: "Alright."

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 00:01


Ashley: Hey guys, my name is Ashley. I'm new to this university.
Victoria: Victoria, feel free to call me Vicky.
Justin: Nice to meet you Ashley, I'm Justin, Vicky's twin brother.
Ashley: Hey Justin,and i like your scarf, Vicky.
Victoria: Thanks. Oh by the way, this is my bestfriend, Jess.
Jessica: Hi, I'm Jessica.
Ashley: Hello Jessica, do you prefer me calling you Jess?
Jessica: Sure, i don't mind, whatever you like.
Justin: Wanna hang out after school?
Jessica: You bet!

Jessica: Summer is finally here, i have been waiting for this day since forever!
Justin: Summer is fun for me, let's go to California this time.
Victoria: California? seriously...that place is SCORCHING
Jessica: Fresh oranges? Good idea, Jus!
Victoria: On second thought, i will be happy to come along!
Ashley: But we have to book a hotel first.
Justin: Speaking of hotel, anyone wants to book Hilton?
Ashley: Holiday Inn is better, more comfortable.
Victoria: I don't mind, but i was gonna say Sheraton.
Jessica: You know what, let's just go with Holiday Inn then.
Justin: Final decision,Holiday Inn?
Jessica&Victoria&Ashley: Sure.

Justin: Christmas is here,once again, followed by new year.
Victoria: Time to buy presents for our parents!
Jessica: CRAP! I just spent 500 dollars when I shopped on Boxing Day.I'm out of money!
Ashley: Calm down Jess. Why don't you make them a present yourself, in that case? Saves money, good deed.
Justin: So Ash, what are you buying for your parents?
Ashley: I'm probably going to buy them a musicbox. It's delicate, and adorable
Victoria: Nice, Ash. Me and Justin are going to buy our parents a cookbook and a pack of European cookies. Mom loves cooking, and dad loves eating.
Jessica: haha, I've decided that I'm going to cook dinner for my parents, and give Mom and Dad a huge hug.
Ashley: Good idea, Jess, parents don't expect for expensive presents, all they want is a little hug from their children.
Justin: I agree.

Ashley: Vicky you look so happy today, what's up?
Jessica: Yeah Vicky, what are you holding in your hands?
Vicky: OH MY GOSH can you believe it? I am engaged with Daniel Nolan!
Ashley: Congratulations!!! He is so good-looking.
Justin: And rich. Sis, why don't you hand out the invitation cards?
Jessica: Awwww i am so happy for you, Vicky.
Victoria: Thanks guys, and yeah, i want you to attend my engagement party.
Ashley: Sure we'll go...But..please help me? I am paranoid..
Justin: What's wrong?
Ashley: My older sister, Bianca! She got breast cancer...
Victoria: Oh my, i feel sorry for you.
Jessica: God bless her!
Justin: Don't worry Ash, breast cancer can be cured.
Ashley: But..
Jessica: Your sister can do it! Please send my regards to her.
Ashley: Thanks guys!
Victoria: I wish her everything the best.

Jessica: What are you guys going to do on Sunday?
Ashley: I have to go to the hospital,obviously, and visit my sister.
Justin: I'm going on a date with Lauren, my new girlfriend.
Ashley: Good luck, Justin!
Justin: Thanks.
Victoria: I have to go to Emily's birthday party~ What about you, Jess?
Jessica: Me? I'll stay at home and do my homework..i guess?
Justin&Ashley: Geek!
Jessica: What? There's nothing wrong with that!
Victoria: Haha!

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 01:36


S:Hey, Angela. So this is...
A:Hey Sebrina. This is David. My boyfriend.
D:Hi, glad too meet you.
S:Glad to meet you, too. And this is my sweety, William.
W:Actually, you can call me Will.
A:Hi, Will. Sebrina was always talking about you.
D:Hey, guy. Nice to meet you.
W:Same to you.


A:So, now before we go, we have to book a hotel for our vacation.
B:OK. That's a good idea. So does anybody get anything to say?
C:Oh, yes. How about this one? It's just next to the beach, outdoor swimming pool and 5-star hotel room.
D:Oh, yes. That's the hotel of my dream.
A:Sorry, guys. I'm afraid that we don't have so much money to live in such a wonderful hotel.
C:You are killing me.
A:Oh, yes, I am.
B:Then, what about this one? It's cheap and near the beach.
C:No, it looks dirty.
D:Then, what about this one? Clean and cheap. But it's a little far from the beach.It's hard to decide.
A:OK. Everyone, clean or the beach?
B&D:the beach. C:Clean.
A:2 to 1. Done.


A: Have you decide what to buy for your parents?
B&C&D:No, not yet.
A:Nope. But I want to buy a pair of shoes for each of them.
C:That could be a nice gift. How about you?
D:I don't know. They don't want me to spend on these things.
B:Oh, then, then, it must be hard for you to decide.
C:Why not take your GRE report as a gift? Your parents must be so happy that you get such a high score.
B:That's a good idea. Hope you haven't told your parents about your GRE test.
D:Oh, yes. That must be the best gift I could ever give them.
A:What a meaningful gift. I hope my score were as good as yours.
B&C:So do we.


A:You look sad these days. Are you OK?
B:Yes. Can I help you?
C:Oh, it's just so so.
D:Come on. Tell me what's wrong.
C:OK. My parents are going to devoce.
A:We feel so sorry for you.
B:Yes. Is there anything we could do for you?
C:I don't know. But thanks all the same.
A&B:You are welcome.
D:I really understand. My parents always argue with each other. It's horrible. But you still have to have faith with them. They will make it right.
C:I hope so. Thank all of you indeed. I feel better know.


A:Hey, do you have any appointment on this Sunday?
B:I'm afraid I have to stay at home to take care of me younger brother. So what are you going to do?
A:I want some one to accompany me to the ChunShen Park.
C:I've heard about it. There will be a circus this Sunday. But I have an appointment with my doctor.So...
B:Oh, come on. What about you then?
D:Sorry. I've planned to go there with my girlfriend.
B:Damn it.
A:Wait. Maybe I can ask my brother if he wants to watch the performans.
B:Really?That's so kind of you.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 03:27

A hello,what's your name
B my name is***
C that is a good name
D and what's your name A
A my name is ****
A how about go for a trip?
B that is a good idea
C but what kind of the hotel shall we live in
D anyone is OK

热心网友 时间:2022-05-02 05:35

A hello,what's your name
B my name is***
C that is a good name
D and what's your name A
A my name is ****
A how about go for a trip?
B that is a good idea
C but what kind of the hotel shall we live in
D anyone is OK

1.第1次见面的互相介绍.Teresa: "Hi, nice to meet you. My name is Teresa. I go to the same school as you."Jack: "Hi, I seen you in school before. I'm Jack. Nice meeting you too."=== 2.朋友一起去旅行,讨论住什么样的旅馆。Larry: "Where are we going to stay...

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