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英语作文 my ideal high school

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-28 12:57



热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 14:26

Since I was a child ,Tsinghua University has token root in my mind. She is and will always be my favouriate .Maybe she is not the best school in the world .but it cost efforts from you and me.

Tsinghua University is a vigorous land that bearing the weight of history.I began to learn about it when I was preparing for the Campus Volunteers ring the national day holiday. Tsinghua University was built on a history of humiliation, the fisrt students and teachers saw the devastation after the invasion of eight-power allied forces,thinking of the extreme suffering of the people and the backwardness of science and culture of our nation,they studied hard and hard,graally they became the academic dean,and devoted to the nation-building ,left us with a history that can be written in book.

Tsinghua University has quickened her pace towards a comprehensive university. She has China’s best engineering departments ,and trained a large number of students with the spirit of enterprising and patriotism,they finally became the middle of the power of nation-building.She restored and rebuild the humanities department,with the help of famous scholars from the best schools in china and lots of boy wonders, she stepped to the forefront of liberal arts ecation with a amazing speed.Tsinghua University has a new department of economic management,it was built to ecate business leaders preparing for the great rejuvenation of the national economy in the furture commercial competition.

Tsinghua University has the best learning environment for talent.The campus’s afforestation is great,and it is fun to watch.The Tsinghua School ,SMTH, great auditorium, near Spring Garden, Qinghuayuan,they both have beautiful scenery and a long history,cultivated generations of students when walked by.Tsinghua University has the best student clubs. They concerned humanities, public service, science and technology, sports and other fields ,and trained the students practice, management ,and they became a beautiful landscape and the most valuable treasure.

Tsinghua University has been through a illustrious journey,with a rare historical opportunity ahead.People in Tsinghua these days have deep love and pride of our nation,they haven’t slowed down their paces and never will be.With the fine trodations of patriotism and dedication ,they will continuesly learning and working hard,writing legands in every fields.

In a word,Tsinghua University is my ideal high school,and I am glad and proud to be able to study here.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 15:44


High school has always eluded me in my childhood, but now that I've grown up, the aspects of an ideal high school have crystallized in my mind. The consummate high school must be serene. Nothing beats a serene and pristine learning environment, quaint classrooms and closeness to nature make up the best environment. Secondly, the teaching standards of the high school must be outstanding, it is every student's inviolable right to have the best ecation, which can ensure a prospective future for them.

参考资料:egregia cum laude from pre-school DT

热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 17:19

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