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我的快乐一天 英语作文60词

发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-25 13:55



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 15:24

1. It was sunny and warm today. I went to the beach near my home with my best friend Jim. It took us twenty minutes to get there by bike. We walked on the beach, played games, swam in the sea and built up a sand castle. We didn't go home until 5:00 in the afternoon. Although we felt tired, we were happy because we really had a good time.

2.It was a beautiful day so my parents and I decided to visit the Great Wall. We set out early in the morning. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. When we got there, there were many people on the wall. We walked on the wall for about two hours and we took lots of photos.We also met a group of foreigners and lots of people took photos with them. I bought a beautfiful book about the history of the wall. Then we were hungry, so we ate at a restaurant near the exit.
Time passed quickly. We had to go home by car.It was really a happy day. I didn’t feel tired at all. I had a wonderful time with my parents, and I refreshed myself,too.
国家教育法规定高中开学时间 高三夏季开学时间一般在几月几号 摇滚男歌手和乖乖女的小说推荐 旧民主主义革命时期,中国人民向西方学习为什么屡遭失败? 安卓手机wifi怎样连接笔记本电脑电脑上? 电脑怎么连接和手机同样的手机无线wifi 手机充电器哪个牌子好?充电头十大品牌排行榜推荐 公务员考试笔试过了就算录取了吗 具体回答如下 请问公务员笔试合格后,可否不去原先报考的单位,而去另外的单位面试应聘... 星际家园任务奖励领取 什么是人类工业的动力和原料 什么是人类工业的动力 九牧燃气热水器电池在哪 英语作文:我有一个幸福的一天 给东方第一哨的解放军叔叔的信 给东方第一哨的解放军叔叔的信 百度知道 作文:六年级上课文《太阳与士兵》课后作文:写给解放军叔叔的一封信 与成功有关的英语作文 如果给罗伯特 帕丁森写信他会回信吗 成功的定义英语作文高中 淘宝收藏夹为什么限制收藏数量上限2000个 我不知道自己要做什么,该怎么办? 小学二年级英语作文:快乐 淘宝二手客户端无法收藏宝贝怎么办?提示超过上限 英语作文写一写你及你家长的周末计划 淘宝可以分期购为什么登录以后没有分期购 淘宝的分期付款为什么点一下就没了 交通事故受伤后多久可以做伤残鉴定 交通事故申请伤残鉴定的时间是哪时候 孕妇梦见拜年走亲戚 英语作文关于家温暖的句子,急 辅导员给大一新生的一封信800字 幽默作文短句 初中初一作文650字:写给少先队的一封信 求帮我写一篇童年趣事的英语短篇作文 匡威棒球帽有多大 以童年趣事 为题写一篇英语作文. 给表姐的一封信_300字 关于成功的英语作文100字 致家长一封信安全 有关预防近视的作文 预防近视眼的方法的作文 我的家用英语写作文四年级 如何写一篇小学生英语作文 很想有一个笔记本,像小学生那样带密码锁的那种。难过的时候记录一下,然后锁好? 小学英语满分作文怎样写出彩 蟋蟀火几年了 蛐蛐一般叫多久 有谁知道蟋蟀的生长周期 拍立得拍到一半相纸能打开吗