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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-25 13:39



热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 15:09

In September, the golden sun shine on the earth, along with the grand and have significance on behalf of firecrackers, my school ushered in the fall games. All the students face filled with a smile, and I feel very excited.
Morning, the students are happily came to the school early. Athletes were all full of energy, full of confidence, they worked hard in the sports arena, do its utmost to "battle", are hoping to win a good result for his class; "Come on Come on!!" Others in the class also pitching, cheerleaders have a sound than a big, big horn seems to be participating in the competition. Some encouraging fuel along the way, some way bottled water, as well as the whole process of Players recorded. Teachers have also loudly self-class athletes and cheer for athletes encouraged.
In everyone's laughter and sweat, the Games drew to a close, a short three days coming to an end. Sports arena, with athletes courageously fighting figure; the audience, echoing cheer cheerleaders waving flags cry. This cry, filled with aroma of friendship; this figure, the combination of the power of responsibility. But whether success or failure, whether laughter or tears, and we will always remember this day full of struggle!

热心网友 时间:2023-01-25 16:27

I buy all kinds of hair. Sit down, please. Take your hat off and let me have a look. Oh, very beautiful. Very good! Twenty dollars ,
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