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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-27 16:05



热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 17:34

摘要I was reading Alice Adventures In A Wonderland and suddenly a strong sunlight came out of my book. I closed my eyes because the light was so bright but when I opened my eyes again, I was in book! Everything looks just like the wonderland! I was amazed so I walked into the forest which is in front of me. Then I saw the Cheshire Cat sitting in a tree, but he wasn't smiling. “That was a strange thing.” I said. So I asked him why and he told me,“Because the Red Queen died,so now the King rules everything. Since the King hates strange things, So he lets out a rule which means that no strange things can happen again.Now everyone in Wonderland is normal,but we don’t like it .”I felt bad about it ,becouse the people here seems to be very unhappy. I went through the forest and found out the Mathatter ,the March hare and their mouse weren’t having a mad tea party,instead they were just drinking tea with a big frown on their faces. Suddenly I found out that I was still holding my boo咨询记录 · 回答于2021-11-16爱丽丝梦游仙境英语作文45个词I was reading Alice Adventures In A Wonderland and suddenly a strong sunlight came out of my book. I closed my eyes because the light was so bright but when I opened my eyes again, I was in book! Everything looks just like the wonderland! I was amazed so I walked into the forest which is in front of me. Then I saw the Cheshire Cat sitting in a tree, but he wasn't smiling. “That was a strange thing.” I said. So I asked him why and he told me,“Because the Red Queen died,so now the King rules everything. Since the King hates strange things, So he lets out a rule which means that no strange things can happen again.Now everyone in Wonderland is normal,but we don’t like it .”I felt bad about it ,becouse the people here seems to be very unhappy. I went through the forest and found out the Mathatter ,the March hare and their mouse weren’t having a mad tea party,instead they were just drinking tea with a big frown on their faces. Suddenly I found out that I was still holding my boo要翻译book on my hand,so a great idea popped in my head. Because I read the book before,so I know exactlly how to go to the castle by shortcut.After a minute or two ,I entered the castle and found the King sitting by the window and reading a book called The world Outside Wonderland. So I went straight to him and said,”Mr.King,it seems that you love the world outside of the wonderland,how about having a change? I‘ll be the Queen and you go to my world.” The King said xcitedly,”That‘s wonderful!yes!Let’s have a change!”I opened my book and the light covered the King and he vanished like smoke. I felt really happy because now the people in Wonderland can be happy again. So,I lived happilly ever after with my strange,mad friends.Of couse, the King never came back again.你可以适当删减一些文章翻译要写故事
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