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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-27 16:05



热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 17:35

We will absolutely make the delivery by November 23, since our normal delivery time is 7 to 15 days. Our last shipment was delayed a few days e to proct updates. I hope that the incident would not leave you a bad impression. Our factory has proced telephones for more than ten years with a proven record of on-time delivery. Please be assured of purchasing our procts, and continue to support our company.


热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 18:53

There will be no problem absolutely to delivery the goods on Nov 23.Our normal delivery peroid is 7-15 days.

I am sorry for last delayed delivery which was actually caused by the update of proct structure. Also apologize for any inconveniences caused to you.Our company has proced telephones for more than ten years,and the delivery period is very stable all the time.Please rest assured to purchase our proct sequentially.Appreciate your great understanding and support to us very much!

热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 20:27

It's definitely sure that we can deliver on Nov 23. Our normal deliver period is 7-15 days.

Last delivery indeed delayed some time because of proct structure update. Hope that didn't give you an unpleasant impression. Our company has been manufacturing telephone for over 10 years and our delivery period has been consistent all the time. Please purchase our procts without any doubt and hope you keep on supporting us.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-27 22:19

On November 23, we have absolutely no delivery of normal delivery is 7-15 days.

Last delivery and update the proct structure is indeed a delay, don't want to give you some left a bad impression. Our factory proction and business telephone for more than ten years, there has been a steady delivery, please feel free to purchase our procts, and continue to support our company.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 00:27

We'll absolutely have no problem to deliver on November 23. We, normally, deliver in a period of 7 to 15 days.
Our last delivery is indeed a delay e to the update of the proct structure. We sincerely hope that the incident wouldn't left you a bad impression. Our factory has been operating the proction of telephone for more than 10 years and there has been a steady delivery. Please feel free to purchase our procts and continues supporting our company.

热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 02:51

We'll have absolutely no problem for delivery by November 23th, our regular period for delivery is 7~15 days. Our last delay of delivery was e to renewing our proct's structure, we certainly apologize for it and hope we didn't left you a bad impression. Our company has been in the telephone business for over ten years, there has been steady delivery, therefore, please feel free to purchase our procts, and continue to support our company


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