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发布网友 发布时间:2023-01-28 03:08



懂视网 时间:2023-01-28 07:29




Read, swim, basketball, speech, debate, cheerful, warm, work carefully, efficient, able to work hard, have a strong organizational skills work conscientiously, strong sense of responsibility, studious, good at summing up, Conscientiously serious, ambitious. Proficient in common use office software word, excel, ppt, etc., have a certain understanding of network management. Have a good writing skills, strong oral expression. Cheerful, humble, self-discipline, self-confidence, studious, down-to-earth, serious and responsible, perseverance, adaptability, hard-working, quick thinking, to be creative and dare to meet new challenges.

Ideological aspects: in terms of thinking, I always ask ourselves to advance with the times, and actively understand current affairs at home and abroad, and earnestly study advanced theoretical knowledge. In the after school, I will extensively read all kinds of magazine articles, and gradually learned from the surface of things to analyze its internal causes. At the same time, I often with friends and elders to exchange views on current affairs, brainstorming, learn from them and experience, and constantly improve their ideological quality. Preparation period, I thought the biggest change and harvest is learned to no longer entangled in the "want to do", and directly to think about "how to do", do not waste time in hesitation and wandering.

Learning: In learning, I usually listen carefully, timely review, after-school and students will discuss the issue, but the academic performance is still my weaknesses. But I want to learn but should not have been my weaknesses, may be I have not found the most suitable for my learning methods, can not be better to learn the knowledge into results. My grades were stable, and I always wandered between seven and eighty, with a grade point of 2.68 in the last semester, which was slightly lower than the second year. But I will always strive to continuously enhance their comprehensive competitiveness.

Work: In the work, I served as a class publicity member, Deng read the group leader and vice squad, is also the bedroom of their bedroom long. In all positions, I can work at ease, and earnestly fulfill their obligations and responsibilities, and actively communicate with the other class committee to jointly build our class collective. In this regard, my biggest achievement is that, regardless of ongoing activities have any views or dissatisfaction with the activities of the collective should be finished, all in the collective interest first. I now serve as the branch of the Discipline Inspection Commission, will do their work, in good faith for all services, with the support of the Committee and the Secretary to build our family together.

Life: in life, I self-reliance, care for students, help students, and students get along, but also help solve the contradictions between the students.Often and bedroom students with activities.

During this year's inspection period, I have strict demands on myself, to learn from the outstanding members of the surrounding, their ability to improve a lot. But he still has some shortcomings in the future to continue to work, subject to supervision, continuous improvement, to be a good party member.


Make full use of time. A person's time is limited, in a limited time how to take care of their things in an orderly manner is very important. In the course of work, there is work, the main contradiction is to work, not make-up, watching TV, chat, turn a blind eye to work, etc., busy can rest, work sometimes I like to live up, "The fact that this practice will make the work of inefficient, seemingly busy all day, but no results. Time is scarce resources, we young people should know how to effectively use the time to maximize the completion of the work.

With the passage of time, the increase in work experience, I am also constantly improve themselves. 2012 is a passionate year, in the future work, I will strive to improve their own quality, to overcome the deficiencies, according to the German performance standards four, dedication to do the work, better performance

Your job responsibilities. In the following direction:

First, attach great importance to the theoretical knowledge of learning, and constantly strengthen political conviction, to further clarify the purpose of service.

Actively participate in the organization of the activities, to improve their communication skills, but also hope to participate in the organization of each training. Can work out the characteristics of their own, out of time to learn the relevant documents, reports and business books. Always bear in mind the wholeheartedly for the customer, for the purpose of grass-roots company services, fair and upright, adhere to the principle of faithfully do their jobs.

Second, co-ordination to strengthen business learning, and continuously improve the ability to work, and actively carry out their own work.Learning no mirror, the rapid development of the times, a variety of disciplines of knowledge with each passing day. I will make unremitting efforts to learn all kinds of insurance knowledge, and used to guide the practice of work. "Expertise in the ground and shortage in the play," in the future work of learning business knowledge, through more, more learning, more practice to continuously improve their business skills.And actively participate in training courses and other opportunities to listen to the guidance of experts to consult experts to learn and improve their operational capacity. Closely around the focus of their work, and actively learn about the economy, politics, science and technology, the latest knowledge of law, and strive to integrate, linking reality. In practical work, the theoretical knowledge, business knowledge and other fresh knowledge combined, broaden their horizons, broaden their thinking, enrich themselves, and strive to adapt to the new situation, new tasks on their own work requirements.

Third, dry and dry hard work, proactive, and strive to obtain work performance.

Conscientiously do their work and daily affairs of work, so that the legs, attendance, hand, to assist the leadership to establish and improve the system to maintain a good working order and working environment, so that the management of the increasingly standardized and standardized.Come to receive, from top to bottom communication, internal and external contacts and other types of work to do not prevarication, responsible.

There is a saying that attitude determines everything, in fact, work, attitude determines the quality of work, work efficiency, job completion rate. No enterprising people, will accomplish nothing. Talent and ability to work in the down-to-earth work in order to fully display, in order to get the appropriate return, the generation of our youth is to give full play to their potential, forge ahead in order to truly realize the personal value of life. Self-evaluation of personal work style


热心网友 时间:2023-01-28 04:37










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