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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-12 03:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-17 02:17

Compensation is a sensitive topic, it is related to the vital interests of the employees and the cost of the company size is a factor, but also affects the enterprise's operating efficiency. A reasonable and scientific compensation system can help enterprise to develop in the multilateral market environment. Has direct relationship between the company's profits and sales, sales staff in the enterprise management plays an indispensable role. Through the reasonable salary system, able to motivate and constraint sales staff behavior, encourage employees to improve their, so as to achieve the enterprise the management goal realization. Based on the relevant theories of salary design and sales of traditional model as a guide, through the questionnaire and interview method, field survey sampling, diagnostic analysis TZE group sales personnel salary, status, and optimize the compensation system design. Through the combination of theory and enterprise management practice, the hope can through this article to the class the company sales personnel salary design provides a new train of thought.
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