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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-06 22:49



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 04:22

问题一:请教大虾:流转税的英文怎么说 :流转税
Transfer tax
Transfer tax

问题二:导税台英文怎么: 导税台
Taxation Guidance Desk
Guide tax table
Tax Guidance
*** import tax
Tax Guide

问题三:请高手翻译英文,谢谢 50分 The traditional idea that the turnover tax in the ine allocation on the effect may be the reverse, it is mainly a transfer tax effects and regressive effect decision. The turnover tax system was *** yzed, it also elaborated the tax for the regulation of fair ine distribution function, put forward our country current tax regulating ine distribution features, pointed out that the use of tax policies to promote the fair distribution of ine and promote social equity and justice practical need. At the same time on personal ine tax and turnover tax some own characteristics were studied. In view of our country present ine distribution gap is widening in the present situation, the union current our country new round of tax system reform, basis western the optimal modity tax research, think of turnover tax can be improved and strengthen its role in promoting fair ine distribution. At the end of the turnover tax category one one put forward the improvement scheme, is tax better play its role in promoting fair ine !!!!!!!OK!!!!!!

问题四:请问*的英文是什么?它和GST有什么不同呢? *,英文是value added tax(VAT) ,*是以商品(含应税劳务)在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的一种流转税。实行价外税
商品及服务税(Goods and Services Tax?,简称GST?)是*的一种,也是销售税的一种,指 *** 为各种商品及服务所征收的税项。

问题五:有谁知道税务局各部门英文的名称吗? 国家税务总局设12个职能司(局、厅):   (一)*clerical office of the State Administration of Taxation 处理总局机关日常政务,起草和审核有关文件和报告;负责会议组织、秘书事务、文电处理、文书档案、 *** 、保密、保卫、调研、政务信息和新闻发布;制定机关内部规章制度;管理机关财务和房产等行政事务。 (二)*法规司Policy and Regulations Department of the State Administration of Taxation 负责税政调查研究;组织起草税收法律法规草案和实施细则;研究提出税制改革建议;拟定税收业务的规章制度;组织实施对税收法规、规章执行情况的监督检查;承办重大税收案件的审理和行政处罚工作;办理税务行政诉讼和行政复议。 (三)流转税管理司turnover tax administrative organization of the State Administration of Taxation 负责*、消费税、营业税的征收管理工作,制定具体的征收管理办法;起草有关法律法规草案;对有关法律法规在执行中的一般性问题进行解释和处理;组织办理有关税收减免中的具体事项。  (四)所得税管理司ine tax administrative organization of the State Administration of Taxation 负责企业所得税和个人所得税的征收管理工作,制定具体的征收管理办法;起草有关法律法规草案;对有关法律、法规在执行中的一般性问题进行解释和处理;组织办理有关税收减免中的具体事项。  (五)地方税务司(农业税征收管理局)excise office of the State Administration of Taxation 负责地方各税的税收业务管理,制定具体的征收管理办法;起草有关法律法规草案;对有关法律、法规在执行中的一般性问题进行解释和处理;指导地方税收征管业务;负责农业税、牧业税、农林特产税、耕地占用税、契税的征收管理;组织办理农业税特大灾歉减免中的具体事项。  (六)国际税务司(海洋石油税务管理局)International Tax Section 参与起草有关法律法规草案;研究提出国际间反避税措施;参加涉外税收的国际谈判,草签和执行有关协议、协定;承办与国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国际机构及外国税务机关的合作与交流业务,管理机关的外事工作;管理海洋石油税收业务。  (七)进出口税收管理司export-import board of the State Administration of Taxation 提出制定进出口税收管理*、规章和办法的建议与意见;组织实施有关计划,检查有关*的执行情况;办理出口产品退税审批事项。  (八)征收管理司administration of collection of the State Administration of Taxation 组织实施综合性税收征管法规及规章、制度;指导税务登记、申报工作和税收资料的管理;负责税法宣传;管理税收*和票证。  (九)稽查局inspection bureau of the State Administration of Taxation 拟定税务稽查制度、办法并组织实施;办理重大税收案件的立案和调查的有关事项并提出审理意见;指导、协调税务系统的稽查工作。  (十)财务管理司financial ma......>>

问题六:开*普通*抬头能用三个英文字母吗 20分 根据*管理办法实施细则第二十九条规定,开具*应当使用中文。民族自治地方可以同时使用当地通用的一种民族文字。
因此 ?,*普通*不能开英文抬头。但是可以开具中英文双语的抬头*普通*。

问题七:营改增后,流转税减了所得税却增了,为什么 、虽然流转税减了,所得税增了,但整个企业的综合税负还是下降了,只是下降的幅度较小而已,如果企业管理得当,适当的进行相关业务的筹划,税负下降的幅度还有可能会进一步上升。

问题八:哪位好心人帮我翻译成英语,急用,谢谢!!! 20分 Township enterprises in rural reform and the corresponding market system formed in the course of the development process is a thought process. First of all, in the rural economic reform achieved initial success, and the city launched the initial reform of the economic system, tremendous changes in the economic environment to a flexible system of township enterprises with great development space, which makes in the late 1980s, township enterprises in China The rapid development. In this process, the development of township enterprises not only to digest a large number of rural surplus labor force, and also for the national and local, especially the local government has provided substantial financial ine. Therefore, the development of township enterprises, once known as the city with Chinese characteristics of the road. However, with the socialist market economic system graally establish and perfect, the fierce market petition makes township enterprises in the deteriorating external environment, the township enterprises in the operating mechani *** and management system on the imperfections have graally emerged and bee its further development Obstacles. Even more serious, because the development of township enterprises Division win of the result of extensive and the enormous environmental costs have graally emerged, the township enterprises in proction and operation and the lives of rural residents has serious implications, which prompted We have to r......>>
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