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英语作文 一个非常难忘的音乐节,150-180单词。。。语法不能有错啊。。。我们用的英版教材不是美版

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-18 19:24



热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 17:27

An unforgettable music festival
Music is the sound of the soul ,from the soul and serves for the soul. Yesterday,we made our
soul refreshed and touched at the music festival held in our school hall,which impressed
me so much that I consider it unforgettable in my life.
I still remember clearly the scenes of the music festivel while we were having a feast of the soul. Some students performed the some "Red Songs"to praise the great Communist Party of
China and our happy life.Some showed the charm of the popular songs.There were still
some singing English songs.When those students played some modern pieces with
traditional Chinese instruments Pipa ,Guzheng and flute, all the audience were so excited
that they cheered and applauded for a long time.
Everything valuable in the world contains human pains and labor ,and there is no exception
for the unforgettable music festivel. Directed and guided by the music and art teachers of
our school, those music talents in our school spent several weeks making preparations and
rehearsing.It was just their hard work and pains that ensured the success of the music festivel. This festivel is more than a feast of music,it's also a reminder that makes us aware of the
importance of working hard to success.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 17:28

要什么水平的 ,采纳后才能完成,否则浪费时间,保证质量,完全原创,有疑问加QQ 2 7 6 3 2 1 1 35

热心网友 时间:2023-11-11 17:28

Music is the sound of the soul ,from the soul and serves for the soul. Yesterday,we made our
soul refreshed and touched at the music festival held in our school hall,which impressed
me so much that I consider it unforgettable in my life.
I still remember clearly the scenes of the music festivel while we were having a feast of the soul. Some students performed the some "Red Songs"to praise the great Communist Party of
China and our happy life.Some showed the charm of the popular songs.There were still
some singing English songs.When those students played some modern pieces with
traditional Chinese instruments Pipa ,Guzheng and flute, all the audience were so excited
that they cheered and applauded for a long time.
英语作文 一个非常难忘的音乐节,150-180单词。。。语法不能有错啊...

An unforgettable music festival Music is the sound of the soul ,from the soul and serves for the soul. Yesterday,we made our soul refreshed and touched at the music festival held in our school hall,which impressed me so much that I consider it unforgettable in my life.I still...


能用上,所以会忘记的。 3.建立一个错题集,不要重新抄录题目再重做。要把你做的中考习题集留好,能订的订在一起,最好能用一个分页夹来装材料。 第四轮:仿真模拟强化复习:(时间:5月15日前) 1.各学科要按中考的时间来做中考模拟题,不要看答案,限时完成并记时,留意自己做卷子的时间时不是在缩短或延长。做...





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