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你能不能帮我找一下 ,关于我最喜欢的食物的口语作文,谢谢你啦!

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-18 16:35



热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 17:36

我最喜欢吃的食物-饺子(My Favorite Food -JiaoZi)
In the spring festival we often eat JIAOZI . It is made from pie of meat,different vegetables that covers the whole pie.
Chinese like JIAOZI not only because of its delicious taste but also because of its meaning of families get together ring Spring Festival.
I like to eat JIAOZI very much!
在写作中饺子的说法可以直接译拼音 也可以写英语mplings
My favorite drink is milk tea (tea with milk)
I like milk tea very much, i make my milk tea every morning,i use evaporated milk, and sweetened condensed mike instead of sugar, so the milk tea would become thicker. after opening a can of milk ,i pour the milk into a plastic box and put it into the refrigerator, so i can use it next time .
I think to make good milk tea, tealeaves is very important, it's hard to find the suitable tealeaves, all the tealeaves on the supermarket's shelves,such as Lipton Tea, Rickshaw tea,are not to my taste. i always order the the tealeaves from a wholesale store ,they mixed different tealeaves for restaurants. every time i order five pound tealeaves, i put it in a airtight plastic box to preserve it's flavor.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 17:37

My favourat holiday is Spring Festival.It is the traditional festival of China. We can play fire works and any game we want on that period. Also, we can get some money from some of our older relatives. Therefore, we can buy things that we want to buy. I can also go to any place to play if I want. Nice foods is also aviliable for me to eat such as mpings. This is why I like the festiv

热心网友 时间:2023-11-10 17:37

rggdrghgr rghe rgh trh yj uuyj uk iliuyhlyt iyiouk ;uiop yj h yrdxasaweqewwreyopi; adfrfhk cxm wdxgh hg h fghyfhhy
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