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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-14 14:12



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:39

From the upper form but knowledge, the first factors contain 9 entry, these entry 0.398, is maximal in the loading amounts , minimum on this factor 0.612; Second factors contain 22 entry, these entry 0.341, is maximal in the loading amounts , minimum on this factor 0.724; Third factors contain 9 entry, these entry 0.321, is maximal in the loading amounts , minimum on this factor 0.644. The first factors make an explanation amounts to dispatching dissociation's always just being 16.61%; Second factors make an explanation amounts to dispatching dissociation's always just being 15.43%; Third factors make an explanation amounts to dispatching dissociation's always just being 9.62%. 3 factor population makes an explanation amounts to dispatching dissociation's always just being 41.66% , explains that this cover test has fine structure effect degree sufficiently.
The conception studying combining with capital, considers factor good reputation method at the same time , three factors is named respectively on expert consultant basis, being: Be of a bad temper , be pressed for time , be full of animosity.
The first factors withdrawing are of a bad temper , contain 9 projects together , are 29 , 30 , 32 , 13 , 20 , 17 , 10 , 5 , 37. Offend , love the pilot who expresses that type easy to be excited by person to get angry, easy to quarrel
Second factors withdrawing are pressed for time , contain 22 projects together , are 35 , 6 , 11 , 38 , 33 , 23 , 4 , 34 , 36 , 1 , 21 , 39 , 25 , 28 , 15 , 18 , 27 , 30 , 2 , 14 , 12 , 19. The running off expressing that type pilot to time is full of inherent sense of urgency , the run after speed and high efficiency , inherent sense of responsibility is strong , compose the thing is impetuous and the demand is quick.
Third factors withdrawing are full of animosity , contain 9 projects together , are 31 , 22 , 16 , 9 , 8 , 40 , 7 , 26 , 3. Indicate that type pilot is not tolerant of , feel discontented , no gregarious when anything comes up often, bad hand at and person associate with.就是这了

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:39


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 20:40

You Shangbiao know, the first factor includes nine entries, these entries in the load factor on the amount, the minimum 0.398, the highest 0.612 second factor includes 22 entries, these entries in the load factor on the amount, the minimum 0.341 The maximum 0.724; third factor includes nine entries, these entries in the load factor on the amount, the minimum 0.321, the highest 0.644. The first factor to the overall variance variation explained by 16.61 percent for the second factor on the total variance explained by variations for 15.43 percent; third of the total variance explained by the variation of 9.62 percent. 3-general of the total variance explained by variations for 41.66 percent, fully shows that this test has a good set of validity.
The idea of this study, taking into account the factors of ways, in consultation with experts on the basis of three factors were named as: hot temper, time is pressing, full of hostility.
The first factor taken from the hot temper, containing a total of nine projects, namely 29,30,32,13,20,17,10,5,37. That the type of driver vulnerable to Jire, angry love, good quarrel
The second factor taken from the pressure of time, contain a total of 22 items, namely 35,6,11,38,33,23,4,34,36,1,21,39,25,28,15,18,27, 30,2,14,12,19. That the type of driver with the loss of time inherent sense of urgency, the pursuit of speed and high efficiency, strong inner sense of responsibility, but impatient to do things done quickly.
The third factor taken full of hostility, and contains a total of nine projects, namely 31,22,16,9,8,40,7,26,3. That the type of driver intolerance, often in distress are not satisfied with, not Qun, mismanagement and human exchanges.
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