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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-17 13:06



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 13:01

June 15, 2003

Dear Freshman Language Teacher,

  “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?? These brief, but meaningful words spoken by the evil stepmother of Snow White were the first “training wheels?to my career in writing. I loved reading all the fairy tale books when I was 4 and I always wanted to write like the authors of the books did. They were so colorful and descriptive so it was hard to put these illustrated and written pages of bound papers down. Well, now I don’t dream of writing fairy tales anymore but I actually do write them. However, they are more descriptive and advanced. I also write many other pieces. Some examples, are research papers, fiction/non-fiction stories, real life stories, etc. There are similarities, however, to these pieces of writing. Even though they have different genres, each story has a piece of my writing ability shinning through the words. In addition to my love for writing, I also love to read. I have read books of timeless classics to new releases. Each was all in all gripping and very enjoyable. I first started out reading novels in third grade. We read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This book is one of my most memorable books. Another is The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. We read this in fifth grade. I enjoyed this so much that I was encouraged to buy the whole seven-book collection of the Chronicles of Narnia. Recently, I read the Diary of Anne Frank in class. This book, written by a 13-year-old, depicted the complicated situations of a little girl involved in the Holocaust.

  I believe that many of your ideas are collected from what you have read in books. I am skilled at incorporating what I read into my pieces. I am also good at attempting and succeeding at compositional risks, and I possess an excellent skill for details and elaboration. This gives my pieces a more interesting taste and is more exciting to read. Although I am good at writing, I am also good at reading. I am able to decipher an author’s meaning in the book. That gives me a good understanding of what I read.

  Even though I have strong skills in the field of writing/reading, I hope to absorb more when I reach high school and take the Freshman English course. I wish to read higher levels of novels to increase my knowledge. Some books I am unable to keep up with its complicated plot so I hope to be able to understand certain books better. In writing, I hope to increase my vocabulary to brighten my pieces. I also hope to learn more and better ways to accomplish compositional risks. I know I will enjoy working and learning from you and I hope to fulfill my goals.


  ( name )
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