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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 15:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 03:54

360 security guards is a launch by qihoo network function strong, the effect is good, popular with the users of the Internet security software. 360 security guards have killing trojans, clean up the plug-in, repair loopholes, computer examination, privacy and other functions, and created a "Trojan horse" firewall "360 thick plate", and other functions, depending on the first to detect and identify the clouds, can be comprehensive, intelligently intercept trojans, protect user accounts, privacy and other important information. Since 360 security guards use is very convenient and practical, good user reputation, is currently in 420 million Chinese Internet users, the preferred installation of 360 security guards has exceeded 350 million.

360 cloud engine [2], 360, avira antivir local heuristic engine engine, QVM four antivirus engine.
9.1 latest interface 360 security guards (6 copies)
4, to fix -- high risk vulnerabilities and functional repair update to system.
5, system repair, repair common Internet Settings, system Settings.
6 -, computer cleaning a plugin. Clearing up the rubbish and cleanliness and clean up the registry.
7, optimization of acceleration, speed up the boot.
8, function of - provide dozens of all kinds of functions.
9, software download software, butler, security gadgets.
10, computer clinic - to solve other problems. (free) [3]
11-360 has a strong entertainment function, entertainment function.
The latest official version: V9.0.0.2001 g [4]
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V9.1 Beta
Healthy green
New interface green health, improve texture, style and pure and fresh, natural, clever! Allows you to enjoy safe protection at the same time also have a green, a good mood.
Computer speed
Intelligent analysis computer running state, gently only, can let the computer removing the heavy burden, run such as fly.
360 security guards v9.1 Beta installation interface (2 copies)
Piecewise check-up
Physical examination project segments, showing in detail every stage of state, let health state more clearly.
New outpatient service
Search type interface, search to solve computer incurable diseases. Can also submit questions, free let hundreds of millions of 360 users to help you answer.
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Personal center
Integral level
When you are free after the 360 registered users, as long as login every day 360 security guards and functions 360 antivirus software and other procts, to gain experience. Every after accumulated to a certain value, experience value will you increase the level of the user. [5]
Integral action
360 registered users by accumulating experience value upgrade, and after reaching a certain level, will have the opportunity to get some interesting awards, may include: access to exclusive skin, participate in the mystery of the activities regularly, get involved in new proct features private privilege, and awarded the opportunity to present a variety of prizes, etc. And, of course, all this is free of charge. [5]
You can every day to complete the "mission" to obtain experience value, today's tasks include: 360 account, login to keep open the real-time protection, 360 security guards opened the 360 security guards, to complete a security check-up and 90 points or more.
Each task will get different scores of experience value, experience value will continue to accumulate, to a certain value will gain level.
We will continue to open more tasks, you will be able to gain more experience value, realize more rapid upgrade! [6]
Grade mark
Mark is on behalf of each grade icon. When you/level, grade mark can change. User level consists of three marks to show now.
From low to high respectively is: dazzle shield, gold armor, crown jewels.
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Software version
..................... The 2013-3-3 update.....................
[new] to use Adobe PDF reader zero day vulnerabilities for killing the Trojan.
[repaired] to solve some cases little helper boot display active defense services occupy boot problems for a longer time.
..................... The 2013-3-3 update.....................
1. The new interface healthy green, texture and improved, style and pure and fresh, natural, clever! Allows you to enjoy safe protection at the same time also have a green good mood!
2. The "computer speed" with concise and vivid interface, can according to the computer use of intelligent analysis; "A key to speed up, gently let your computer run such as fly!
3. The installation of the new interface, pure and fresh and natural concise and straightforward, let you between static and dynamic, and brought the whole heart to protect guard!
4. Sectional physical examination: examination project segments, showing in detail every stage of the state, make health more clearly!
5. Pioneering to launch the search interface, search to solve computer incurable diseases. Can also submit questions, 360 millions of users to help you solve computer incurable diseases!
6. New safety protective Windows, title is more compact, more prominent theme is clear, let the popup window has become temperament!
..................... 2/20 update.....................
[Trojan killing] [7]
[] improved in doing cloud detection, the tablet computer will no longer display main interface on the right side of the pop-up "scan statistics" panel, in order to save the visual of the screen space.
[repaired] revised after scan mode, automatic shutdown after may still pop-up confirmation dialog box, automatic shutdown of the problem.
..................... 2/18 update.....................
The network shield 】
[new] online support double compensating first quota compensation
Firewall 】 【 360 flow
[repaired] solve cannot enter game mode after open across the line of fire
..................... 2/5 update.....................
】 【 360 ID
[repaired] solve the 360 account to open the URL without login status problem.
..................... 1/31 update.....................
【 dynamic install 】
Security guards on the installation interface 9.0 did subvert our innovation!
The installation of the new interface, pure and fresh and natural, concise and straightforward, the entire installation process is dynamic, let you between the static and dynamic, with all my heart brought by guards to protect!
The computer speed up 】
In continue to protect everyone's computer, provide safe protection at the same time, the security guards of the 9.0 a big feature is a key to optimize, the computer's speed up to the limit!
"Computer acceleration" embedded in the new floating window, with concise and vivid interface, can according to the usage of computer intelligent analysis, shut down for you is not important and expensive process. Gently only a little, can let your computer removing the heavy burden, run such as fly! At the same time also provides personalized "automatic sorting function" can not close the browser, commonly used chat tools, such as proceres, rece them take up system resources, can not only improve the performance of the computer and won't cause trouble to the user.
The segmented body
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