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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 15:12



热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 07:29

Now, chocolate is one of the very ordinary snack. According to the cocoa content can be divided into
Dark chocolate (dark chocolate or pure milk chocolate) - less than 12 per cent of the content;

Milk chocolate (milk chocolate) - with at least 10 percent cocoa paste and at least 12 per cent of the milk quality;

Chocolate compound - non-cocoa butter in chocolate;

White chocolate (white chocolate) - non-cocoa chocolate.

Which is most common in milk chocolate, and Asians than it can accept, such chocolate, milk and cocoa taste both for those who like aromatic Naiwei, but such feelings also quite sweet chocolate.

Chocolate is not only delicious snacks, and has a range of health effects. Chocolate contains more than 300 kinds of chemical substances known, can be used for daily physical many of the required nutrients, and much higher in vegetables, fruits, for instance, quality, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B2 and so on.

According to scientists think that
Chocolate strengthen the protection of teeth
Chocolate can lower cholesterol
Chocolate concive to a healthy heart
Chocolate itself inside a can ease the emotional factors, after eating mood can alleviate depression, and also has some analgesic effect.

But now on the market for most of the chocolate and sweet chocolate milk chocolate, sugar high, overfed, it is easy to obesity. But if we lose weight, it would have to try the cocoa content in more than 70 percent dark chocolate, the higher the cocoa content Although the bitter taste, but dark chocolate than other types of chocolate greater role in health care. Total of 50 grams a day of dark chocolate, can be used in the signs of good appetite suppressants, fiber-rich foods, constipation very good, but experts believe that the beauty of chocolate are very effective, but also has anti-aging effects.

We enjoy delicious chocolate bar

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 08:47

Now, the chocolate already was one of extremely ordinary between-meal snack.May divide into the black chocolate according to the cocoa content (dark chocolate or pure chocolate)----The young nature content is short in 12%; Milk chocolate (milk chocolate)----Contains 10% cocoa thick liquid at least and at least 12% young nature; chocolate compound----Does not contain the cocoa fat chocolate; White chocolate (white chocolate)----Does not contain the cocoa chocolate. In which is most common by the milk chocolate, moreover the Oriental can accept it, in this kind of chocolate, the milk and the cocoa flavor pays equal attention to, likes the fragrant thick milk taste suitably human, but this kind of chocolate feeling quite is also sweet. Not only the chocolate is the delicious between-meal snack, moreover has a series of health care function.The chocolate includes surpasses 300 known chemical substances, may supply many nutrition ingredients which the body needs every day, and the content outdoes many vegetables, the fruit, for instance said the nature, the calcium, the magnesium and Vitamin B2 and so on. But studies according to the scientist thought the chocolate enhancement protection tooth chocolate may rece the cholesterol chocolate to favor inside the heart healthy chocolate itself to have one kind to be possible to alleviate the mood the factor, will eat later to be able to alleviate the despondent mood, and also had certain analgesia function. But in present market chocolate mostly for sweet chocolate and milk chocolate, sugar minute high, eats many too, very is easy to put on weight.But if must lose weight, certainly needs to try the cocoa content in 70% above black chocolate, although cocoa content higher flavor more painstakingly, but the black chocolate compares other types the chocolate to have the health care function.The daily total quantity 50 gram black chocolate, use in before meals may the very good suppression appetite, its rich food textile fiber, has the advantage very much regarding the constipation, moreover the expert thought the chocolate very is also effective to the cosmetology, but also has the anti-senile function. Everybody enjoys the delicacy together the chocolate

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 10:22

Now, chocolate is one of the very ordinary snack. According to the cocoa content can be divided into dark chocolate (dark chocolate or pure milk chocolate) - Content of less than 12% milk chocolate (milk chocolate) - with at least 10 percent cocoa paste and at least 12% The milk quality; chocolate compound - non-cocoa butter in chocolate; white chocolate (white chocolate) - non-cocoa chocolate. Which is most common in milk chocolate, and Asians than it can accept, such chocolate, milk and cocoa taste both for those who like aromatic Naiwei, but such feelings also quite sweet chocolate. Chocolate is not only delicious snacks, and has a range of health effects. Chocolate contains more than 300 kinds of chemical substances known, can be used for daily physical many of the required nutrients, and much higher in vegetables, fruits, for instance, quality, calcium, magnesium and vitamin B2 and so on. According to scientists believe that strengthening the protection of teeth chocolate chocolate chocolate can lower cholesterol to heart-healthy chocolate inside itself an emotional factors can be mitigated, eat in the future can alleviate feelings of depression, and also has some analgesic effect. But now on the market for most of the chocolate and sweet chocolate milk chocolate, sugar high, overfed, it is easy to obesity. But if we lose weight, it would have to try the cocoa content in more than 70 percent dark chocolate, the higher the cocoa content Although the bitter taste, but dark chocolate than other types of chocolate greater role in health care. Total of 50 grams a day of dark chocolate, can be used in the signs of good appetite suppressants, fiber-rich foods, constipation very good, but experts believe that the beauty of chocolate are very effective, but also has anti-aging effects. We enjoy delicious chocolate bar


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