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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 14:56



热心网友 时间:2023-09-18 16:18

By and large, the instructional design includes the planning of learning environment, implementing, evaluating, and management etc activities in which inculcate learning and its performance. Hence, the series of instructional design may have interdependent and complex activities which include scenario judgement, problem recognition, analysis and design, development and proction, learning process and the evalutation of the results of instructional design, management and maintenance.

Instructional desing is a process.
It is for learning and pedagogy theory to asertain the quality of instructional scope so as to design and develop the system of it. It is for learning demand analysis, learning objectiveand to fulfill such demands and to derive a complete learning cycle. It also includes the instructional material, learning activities development plus all the relevant learning experience and evaluation.

(**** The 5 credit points is too little *** BY THE WAY, this article is poorly constucted, lots of repeitative points....****)追问我知道了,下次会注意!谢谢!

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