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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-23 01:27



热心网友 时间:2023-04-27 08:48

  sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead。有时候感情能变成永恒不变,但有时候爱又仅仅致伤罢了。

  even if i had a million reasons to leave you,i would still look for one to stay.—— 纵使有上百万个原因放弃你,我就会找寻一个原因给你留有。

  do not,for one repulse,give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.------- 不必只是因为一次不成功,就离开你原先信心想做到的目地。

  the more a person parades something,the more he wants it. flaunt is just a display which enlargs something boundlessly to gloss over the void in heart. 人越发缺乏哪些,就越发爱炫耀哪些。炫耀,仅仅将原有的某类物品无尽变大来遮盖内心空虚的一种主要表现。

  leave out n words here. 此处省略n个字

  time will puncture youth luxuriant delicate. the parallel lines will also engraved beauty; may eat rare, jane of a born beauty, escape everything but his sickle for sweep-----时间会戳破青春年少的绮丽精美。会把直线刻上佳人的前额;会吞掉稀有之珍,倾国倾城,任何东西都逃不出他狂扫的长刀。

  the turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within youthat survives all hurt. 如果你在心里寻找一种可以承受一切痛楚的顽强能量时,成长经历就产生了飞越。

  apologizing does not always mean you are wrong and the other person is right. it just means you value your relationship more than your ego. 致歉并不一直意味着我承认自身不对,只有说,我在乎我们的关系,比我本身还在乎。

  someone you like can give you the power to go forward. even though you cant be together, its worthy. maybe its the true love, or indistinct. 假如你爱的人能带来你前行的驱动力,就算不能在一起也是非常值得的!也许那才算是真正意义上的喜爱,什么叫喜欢仿佛不易说清晰。《初恋这件小事》

  sometimes, we need a little tears to clear the mist in our eyes, a little assurance to clear the doubts in our head, a little hug to nurse our aching heart.有时,大家必须一点泪水去洗去眼里的谜雾,一点确保去拂去脑中的猜疑,一点相拥去愈疗受伤的心,一点歇息去继续前行。

  how many times does the butterfly blink before it learns to fly ? there are all stars in the night sky,but fewness fall down. 彩蝶眨几回双眼 才学好航行 星空撒满了星星 但几个会落地式

  the world wont care about your self-esteem. the world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 全球并不会在乎你的自尊心,这个世界寄希望于你在个人感觉优良以前先要有一定的造就。比尔.盖茨

  slow the pace of your life and give yourself some time for meditating .its not death that aman should fear ,but he should fear never live truly. 减慢日常生活的步伐,为自己一些思索的时间。人从来不恐惧死亡,而应当担心从来没有真真正正的熬过。

  the expression of surprise is fleet. if someone keeps a surprised face exceeding 5 seconds ,maybe he is pretending. 真真正正的吃惊表情稍纵即逝,超出五秒左右很有可能便是装作的

  a heart cant rest on another,a person pains deeper. no matter what you think,you must recognize it. 人最高的难受便是内心没有所属,无论你知不直觉,认不认。〔柴静〕

  perhaps its the weather,fortune,or there is someone without giving up.或许是气温 或许是运势 或许是由于有些人永不放弃

  i hate your eyes. i hate your voice.i hate your expressions. i hate the way you walk. i hate your every movement. i hate how you dont like me,and i hate how much i like you. 我恨你的双眼,你的声誉,你的神情,我恨你的行走方法,你的姿势,爱着你不太喜欢我。我就恨自己那么的对你有感觉。

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