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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-01 03:21



热心网友 时间:2023-02-01 04:50

  I like different kinds of food.I like mplings,rices and so on.

  But my favorite food is mooncakes.I like them very mush.It is very delicious and popular.

  Mooncakes are delicious round cakes.Some have eggs or nuts in it ,and some have meat.People usually buy them in a food shop.They look like the moon,so we call them mooncakes.On the Mid-autumn Day Chinese people like having mooncakes.At night,we often stay in the open air.We look the moon,eat mooncakes and talk about happy things.We always have a good time.

  I like mooncakes best.
  In our country, there are plenty of delicious foods. They are popular among Chinese people. I like eating very much. There are many food I like, such as chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle and so on. Among them, fish and tofu are the food I like most. Fish is delicious as well asrich in nutrition. It's good to our health. There are various cooking methods and I think the simplest way is the best one. Tofu is my favorite as well. It can be cooked with many other dishes. Different tastes bine with each other to make the food more delicious.
  I am able to enjoy colorful meals and have a lot of kinds of food. However,my favorite food is noodles. Can you believe it? Noodles is simple and easy to cook, but it is nutritious.Every kinds of vegetables and meat, of course, you’d better make sure that they won’t be spoiled by each other,can be put into the wok.Especially,the soup which is used to cook noodles always tastes delicious.There’s another reason that makes noodles bees my favorite food:on weekends,my mum is still too busy to make great meals for me but noodles instead. I feel my mother’s love to me. Not only do I love noodles because of its value of diet,but also the warmth of love.

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