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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-23 05:30



热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 17:48

I love my mum very much.

The food mom cooks for breakfast is very delicious and healthy for us.

Mom works hard and I hope that I could grow up soon that I could requite her for bringing me up.

She often surprises us, like by giving us a candy.

Her cooking could be competitive with 5-star-hotel-restaurants.

My mom is really a hardworking woman.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 17:48

I love my mother very much.

Breakfast my mother makes is tasty and benefits our health.

My mother works very hard,so I want to grow up quickly and pay all her kindness.

But she always brings us some little surprise as candy.

Dishes she makes is comparable to that from Five-star hotels.

My mother is a diligent woman.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 17:49

I love my mother very much.
The breakfast she makes is very delicious and is good for our health.
My mother works very hard, so I want to grow up quickly to repay her love.
However, she always surprises us, such as by a candy.
The dishes she cooks are as delicious as that in five-star hotels.
My mother is a hard-working woman.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-03 17:49

I love my mother very much
My mother does the breakfast is very delicious Is beneficialto our body
My mother works very laboriously, therefore I must grow up in a bighurry repay her to raise graciousness
But She frequently brings pleasantly surprised to give us Forexample a sugar
She does the vegetable may and five star classes hotel mythicalwild animals is beautiful
My mother is an instrious woman

1, in this issue, people disagree. Some are in favor of, or against 2, on the one hand, bicycle energy saving, no gasoline. On the other hand, they areenvironmental protection does not produce waste 3, only the whole society action, days will be more blue, the water more ...


5. I was deeply impressed by the sight in this travel.


My mom is really a hardworking woman.


1. Universities provide a wide selection of electives for students.2. Many people like to watch Spring Festival gala on New Year's Eve.3. Campuses are becoming new tourist attractions.(我没用as)


1. It takes me two hours to do my homework everyday.2. You look so tired. You'd better have a rest.3. The nest is so beautiful that many foreignors come to visit.4. It is too difficult to me to solve this maths problem.5. If you want to learn English better, not...


1. He said that he had not been to the United States.2. He has not been to the United States.3. He told me that he would not come back in 3 days.4. He will not come back in 3 days.5. They are not dancing now.6. They were not dancing when I arrived their ...

请帮我用英语翻译下面的句子 谢绝英语翻译器

1.His desire is to become a policeman.2.Hearing this news, he was very pleased.3.This article too difficult, they do not look.4.Him to the airport then his parents.5.I remember that written to give him.


1. Adjourned to a cup of coffee you 2. I forgot your name, and I would like to be friends with you, I can assure you, you learn English 3. I leave today, do you have time to eat us all right 4 would like to have some fun, but you have to class today, tomorrow,...

请用英语帮我翻译下面的句子 谢绝英语翻译器

1.If it snows tomorrow ,we will not go to the Great Wall.2.If it has a party tonight, many students will not come back.3.If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.4.If you want to improve your English, you should read some English books.5.If it is difficult, you ...


1.我今天收到了中国学生送给我的礼物,我很开心 I was very happy to recieve presents from Chinese students today.2.礼物很可爱,有卡片、玩具等 The presents are very lovely, including cards, toys and so on.3.收到这么多礼物,我很高兴,因为这代表祝愿 I was very happy to recieve so...

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