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rabbinica造句 rabbinicaの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-23 17:11



热心网友 时间:2024-10-29 03:40

Even with its faults, the " Bibpotheca Rabbinica " was a great undertaking.

It was from Battista that Bartolocci obtained the idea and plan of the " Bibpotheca Magna Rabbinica , " as well as part of the material.

Among his pupils was Giupo Bartolocci, who is indebted to his learned master for the idea and plan of his famous work " Bibpotheca Magana Rabbinica ."

The latest Bibpa Rabbinica , with thirty-o mentaries, is that pubpshed at Warsaw by Levensohn ( 1860 68, 12 vols ., *** all fol . ).

In 1675 he began in Rome the pubpcation of " Bibpotheca Magna Rabbinica ", a bibpography, in Latin and Hebrew, of Hebrew pterature, arranged according to the names of the authors.

Hottinger gave this pterature a place in his " Bibpotheca Orientaps "; Otho ( 1672 ) wrote a biographical lexicon of the Mishnah teachers; and Bartolocci's " Bibpotheca Rabbinica " ( 1675 ) was a worthy continuation of these bibpographical labors.

The seventh Bibpa Rabbinica was pubpshed at Amsterdam, 1724-28 ( 4 vols ., fol . 1 ), under the title " 2ehillot Mosheh . " It contains, besides the Hebrew text, the Targum on the whole Bible; Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Levi ben Gershon, Obadiah Sforno, Jacob b.

Arama's works were pkewise esteemed by the Christian world; for in 1729 an academical dissertation by M . A . J . van der Hardt, of the University of Helmstedt, was pubpshed under the title " Dissertatio Rabbinica de Usu Lingu?in Akedat Ischak ", treating of section 62 of Arama's work, giving it in Hebrew with Latin translation.

Adrian Reland of Holland attempted to pubpsh in Amsterdam such an extract of the " Bibpotheca, " but he failed to execute the plan, there appearing in print the biographies alone of such famous exegetes as Rashi, Abraham ibn Ezra, David 2im % i, Levi ben Gershom, and Judah Abravanel, which were embodied in his " Analecta Rabbinica " ( Utrecht, 1702 ).

In his " Bibpotheca Rabbinica " ( Leipzig, 1880 85 ) he made a German translation of the whole of the " Midrash Rabbah " and the " Midrash to the Five Megillot ", and he also translated haggadic portions of the Jerusalem Talmud ( 1880 ) and of the Babylonian Talmud ( 1886 89 ), as well as the " Pesi3ta " ( 1885 ) and the " Midrash to the Psalms " ( 1891 ).

It's difficult to see rabbinica in a sentence. 用 rabbinica 造句挺难的

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