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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-20 17:10



热心网友 时间:2023-02-20 18:39

1、Appetizer——Generally content appetizer plate of cold and hot appetizers first divided the common varieties of caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup, butter chicken cakes boxes, baked snails. appetizers are generally characteristic flavor, taste for salt and acid-based, and a small number of high quality.
2、Soup——Western soup can be divided into broth, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup 4 class.Varieties of oxtail soup, all kinds of cream soup, seafood soup, American clam soup, Italian style vegetable soup, Russian type borsch, baked French onion soup.Less varieties of cold soup, cold soup virtuous, Russian type of cold soup
3、Main course——Meat, poultry dishes is the fourth Western dishes, also known as the main course.Meat dishes of raw materials from cattle, sheep, pigs, little cowboy in various parts of the meat, the most representative is the beef or steak.Steak Sirloin Steak can be divided into its parts (also known as sirloin steak), Philip steak, "T" type bone steak, thin steak, etc.. The cooking methods commonly used in baking, frying, Grilled, etc.. Dishes with meat sauce used mainly Spanish sauce, thick sauce fine, mushroom sauce, white Nice juice.
  Raw poultry dishes from chicken, ck, goose, rabbit and venison usually also classified as game birds and other dishes. Most varieties of poultry chicken dishes, with chicken, turkey, chicken bamboo can be boiled, fried, grilled, braised, the main yellow gravy sauce, curry sauce, cream sauce.
4、Desserts——Western desserts are eaten after the main course can be counted as the sixth dish. The true sense, it includes all the food after the main course, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese and fruit.

The wine for dishes:red wine for cheese,ham,eggs,steak or lamb chops ,poultry,animals , organ meat
sherry for salad,cheese,chocolate,goose liver ,seafood,snails
Champagne for refreshments ,pudding ,turkey
In the West, good table manners are appreciated .To put it simply for a green hand, red meat demands a red wine, while white meat suits a white wine .



热心网友 时间:2023-02-20 19:57

1 appetizer - Cold Appetizers or hot appetizers content, the common varieties caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup, the butter chicken crisp box Bureau snails. The appetizers are generally distinctive flavor, taste salty and acid, and a smaller number of higher quality. 2 soup - Western soup broth, cream soup, vegetable soup and cold soup can be broadly divided into four categories. Varieties oxtail broth kinds of cream soup, seafood soup, American clam chowders, Italian vegetable soup, Russian borscht the French Bureau onion soup. Cold soup varieties less virtuous cold soup, Russian cold soup.3, main course - meat, poultry dishes is the fourth course of the Western, also known as the main course. The meat dishes of raw materials taken from various parts of the meat of cattle, sheep, pigs, small cowboy, one of the most representative of the beef or steak. The steak their parts can be divided into sirloin steak sirloin steak (also known as), Phillips steak, T bone type steak, thin steak and so on. Their cooking methods commonly used in baked, fried, grilled. Meat dishes with sauce with Spanish sauce, thick sauce refined, extravagant mushroom juice Bynes Zhideng. Food dishes of raw materials taken from chickens, cks, geese, rabbit and venison and other game usually classified poultry varieties of dishes poultry dishes is chicken, pheasant, turkey, bamboo chicken can be cooked, can be fried , roasted, simmered, the main sauce yellow gravy, curry sauce, cream juice. 4 dessert - Western desserts after eating the main course, the true sense of it, including the food after all entrees, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese, fruit, and so on. Garnish liquor: red wine with cheese, ham, eggs, cattle and sheep row, birds, mammals, game, offal class white wine with salad, cheese, chocolate, foie gras, seafood, the snail champagne with refreshments, pudding, the turkey Western pay attention to a lot, but for the novice it simply is red meat, red wine, white meat with white wine.

热心网友 时间:2023-02-20 21:32

1, the appetizer -- content cold appetizer or hot appetizers points, the common varieties of caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail cup, butter chicken crisp box, bureau snail etc.. Appetizer generally has a special flavor, taste for salt and acid, and the number of small, high quality. 2, soup -- Western soup can be divided into 4 kinds of soup, cream soup, vegetable soup, cold soup. Varieties oxtail soup, all kinds of cream soup, seafood soup, American clam chowder, Italian vegetable soup, Russian borscht, French onion soup. Cold soup varieties less, a German cold soup, Russian cold soup. 3, the main course -- meat, poultry dishes is the fourth Western dishes, also known as the main course. Meat dishes of raw materials from cattle, sheep and pigs, small cowboy in various parts of the meat, one of the most representative is the beef or steak. According to the site and steak can be divided into sirloin steak ( also called sirloin steak ), fillet steak, " T " type of bone steak, steak and so. The cooking method commonly used roasted, fried, grilled, etc.. Dishes with meat sauce used mainly Spanish juice, thick sauce fine, waste mushroom juice, white nice juice. Dish from raw chicken, cks, geese, rabbit and venison usually also classified as game birds and other dishes most varieties of poultry chicken dishes, a pheasant, Turkey, bamboo chicken, boiled, fried, grilled, braised, mainly yellow Gravy Sauce, curry sauce, cream sauce. 4, dessert -- Western dessert after the main course is edible, in a very real sense, it includes all the food after the main course, such as pudding, pancakes, ice cream, cheese, fruit and so on. Garnish with wine : red wine with cheese, ham, eggs, beef, poultry, wild mammals, row, visceral class white wine with salad, cheese, chocolate, foie gras, seafood, snail champagne with tea, pudding, the turkey Western-style food pay attention to many, but for the novice is simply red meat with red wine, white with white.

热心网友 时间:2023-02-20 23:23

1, appetizer-the contents cold or hot plates, common varieties of caviar, foie gras, smoked salmon, cocktail, cream of chicken crisp boxes, snails, and so on. Appetizers are generally has a characteristic flavor, taste is dominated by salt and acid, and fewer, higher quality. 2 and soup-soup-food can be broadly divided into soup, cream soups, vegetable soups and Leng Tang, class 4. Oxtail soup varieties, various types of cream soup, seafood soup, American week clam soup, vegetable soup, Italian Russian style Borscht, French onion soup. Fewer varieties of cold soup, cold soup, cold soup Russian style of German-style. 3, main dishes – meat, poultry dishes is the fourth Western dish, also known as a main course. Meat dishes of materials derived from cattle, sheep and pigs, little cowboy in all parts of the meat, one of the most representative of beef or steak. According to their site can be divided into Sirloin steak steak (Sirloin steak), steaks, Philip "t" bone-thin steaks, steak, and so on. Their cooking method commonly used, such as baking, frying, mushed.   Sauces for meat dishes blending mainly Spain juice, thick sauce fine, accounts, Bai Nisi juices with mushroom sauce. Fresh class food raw materials are taken from chickens, cks, geese, game, such as rabbits and deer meat is typically classified as poultry poultry dishes most varieties of dishes are chicken, chickens, pheasants, turkeys, bamboo can be boiled, fried, baked, stew, main sauce yellow gravy, curry sauce, cream sauce, and so on. 4, dessert--Western food dessert after the main course food, in real sense, it includes all of the main course food, such as puddings, pancakes, ice cream, cheese, fruit, and so on. Side dishes wines: red wine with cheese, ham, eggs, cattle and lamb chops, poultry, mammals, game, visceral kind of white wine with salads, cheeses, chocolates, Goose liver, seafood and snails in Champagne with tea, puddings and turkeys Western pay attention a lot, but for the novice it simply is red meat plus red wine, white liquor distribution.来自:求助得到的回答





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