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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-23 12:55



热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 20:41

How to live healthily has become the modern humanity more and more issue of concern, as big as living conditions, slightly arrives at the basic necessities of life, is connected with the health.While promotes with great effort protection natural environment we to live day and night to oneself lives at the environment not to be able to neglect, however lives at the majority of ornaments in the modern age is the virulent harmful chemicals, causes the people while to pursue US's not to be able with the health concurrently.But the straw took one kind of pure natural green proct its non-toxic harmless to conform to the humanity to the health the pursue.Moreover straw, in carves ingeniously after the humanity makes the straw picture has also been possible to utilize in lives in the decoration, it both classical and the modern artistic characteristic is other ornament is unable to substitute, also, because its pure manual manufacture method causes it appears out of the ordinary at patternizing today.The straw picture reach a high degree of proficiency technical level is in sole possession of the characteristic with own security environmental protection to cause the people while to pursue the invasion which US's is exempt from poisons, causes US and the health achieves the perfect unification.Has so many merit straw pictures to be almost the same in the price with an ordinary print, the complete above the price in value, enables the people to have ability to accept absolutely.But because the national craft's historical reason causes the people also to understand very little to it, I study the goal is needs to introce the straw picture characteristic gives everybody, takes the decoration element which it the modern age lives at to recommend gives everybody, hoped that can in live in the choice for everybody to provide the help.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 20:42

How the lives of more modern human health have become increasingly concerned about the issue, to the living environment, small to daily life, are all associated with health. In a strong proponent of protecting the natural environment of our own home the night of the living environment can not be ignored, but in the modern home of most of the decorations are toxic and harmful chemicals, so that people in the pursuit of beauty and health at the same time can not have both. And wheat straw as a natural green procts it is in line with non-toxic and harmless to human health pursuit.And wheat straw, after the ingenious human after Diaozhuo made of wheat straw has been painting can be used in home decoration, it's both classical and modern art features can not be replaced by other decorations, also because of its pure hand the Making it in the mode of today all the more special. Luhuochunqing straw painting the technological level of its own security and environmental protection so that the unique characteristics of the people in the pursuit of the United States at the same time from being poisoned by the intrusion, so that the United States and the unity of perfect health.Has so many advantages in the price of wheat straw paintings with an ordinary printed matter is almost the same, full value for money, so that people absolutely have the ability to accept. However, because of the national historical reasons also make people know little about them, I study the purpose is to draw the characteristics of wheat straw introced to everyone, it as a modern home decoration elements recommended for everyone, we hope for in the home Choice to help.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-02 20:42

How to live healthily has become the modern humanity more and more issue of concern, as big as living conditions, slightly arrives at the basic necessities of life, is connected with the health.While promotes with great effort protection natural environment we to live day and night to oneself lives at the environment not to be able to neglect, however lives at the majority of ornaments in the modern age is the virulent harmful chemicals, causes the people while to pursue US's not to be able with the health concurrently.But the straw took one kind of pure natural green proct its non-toxic harmless to conform to the humanity to the health the pursue.Moreover straw, in carves ingeniously after the humanity makes the straw picture has also been possible to utilize in lives in the decoration, it both classical and the modern artistic characteristic is other ornament is unable to substitute, also, because its pure manual manufacture method causes it appears out of the ordinary at patternizing today.The straw picture reach a high degree of proficiency technical level is in sole possession of the characteristic with own security environmental protection to cause the people while to pursue the invasion which US's is exempt from poisons, causes US and the health achieves the perfect unification.Has so many merit straw pictures to be almost the same in the price with an ordinary print, the complete above the price in value, enables the people to have ability to accept absolutely.But because the national craft's historical reason causes the people also to understand very little to it, I study the goal is needs to introce the straw picture characteristic gives everybody, takes the decoration element which it the modern age lives at to recommend gives everybody, hoped that can in live in the choice for everybody to provide the help。。
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