发布时间:2023-02-23 12:07
时间:2023-11-22 07:26
形容五花八门的成语【成语】: 形形 *** 【拼音】: xíng xíng sè sè
【解释】: 形形:原指生出这种形体; *** :原指生出这种颜色。指各式各样,种类很多。
【出处】: 《列子·天瑞》:“有形者,有形形者,有色者,有 *** 者。”
【成语】: 千奇百怪 【拼音】: qiān qí bǎi guài
【解释】: 形容各种各样奇怪的事物。
【成语】: 奇形怪状 【拼音】: qí xíng guài zhuàng
【解释】: 不同一般的,奇奇怪怪的形状。
【出处】: 《晋书·温峤传》:“至牛渚矶,水深不可测,世云其下多怪物,峤遂燃犀角而照之,须臾见水族覆火,奇形异状,或乘马车,著赤衣者。”
形容五花八门的四字词语【成语】: 五光十色 【拼音】: wǔ guāng shí sè
【解释】: 形容色彩鲜艳,花样繁多。
【出处】: 南朝梁·江淹《丽色赋》:“五光徘徊,十色陆离。”
【成语】: 万紫千红 【拼音】: wàn zǐ qiān hóng
【解释】: 形容百花齐放,色彩艳丽。也比喻事物丰富多彩。
【出处】: 宋·朱熹《春日》诗:“等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。”
关于成语(五花八门)的成语解释和意思【拼音】: wǔ huā bā mén
【解释】: 原指五行阵和八门阵。这是古代两种战术变化很多的阵势。比喻变化多端或花样繁多。
【出处】: 《虞初新志·孙嘉淦<南游记>》:“伏龙以西,群峰乱峙,四布罗列,如平沙万幕,八门五花。”
和成语(五花八门)意思相反的四字词语【成语】: 一成不变 【拼音】: yī chéng bù biàn
【解释】: 成:制定,形成。一经形成,不再改变。
【出处】: 《礼记·王制》:“一成而不可变,故君子尽心焉。”
扩展阅读:用成语(五花八门)写一句话造句子带有中英文翻译1 在妈妈家乡,可以避暑的地方五花八门,嘻嘻,这个炎热的夏天,我可不用愁了!
In my mother's hometown, there are various places to spend the summer. Hee hee, I don't have to worry about this hot summer!
2 网络世界里的东西五花八门。我们的活动五花八门。
There are many things in the Inter world. Our activities are varied.
3 这家专卖店所陈列的女鞋五花八门,应有尽有。
This exclusive shop displays a wide range of women's shoes.
4 商场食品的种类真是五花八门。
There are so many kinds of food in the market.
5 今天华强北商业街里的人们穿着五花八门的衣服,使整条街都热闹非凡。
Today, people in Huaqiangbei business street are wearing various clothes, which makes the whole street bustling.
6 我家的书真是五花八门,有文学的,有历史的
My books are really diverse, literary and historical
7 开业不到半个月,五花八门的问题接二连三的来,使老板手忙脚乱。
Less than half a month after opening, the boss was in a hurry because of a series of problems.
8 他个人收藏的唱片内容真是五花八门,无奇不有。
His personal collection of records is really diverse.
9 你到了国外,交朋友要当心啊,那里五花八门,什么人都有。
When you go abroad, you should be careful when you make friends. There are so many kinds of people there.
10 人类不断地在呼吁环保,环保的方法也五花八门的,但有些人就空口喊号子,没有实际行动,唉!
Human beings are constantly calling for environmental protection, and there are various ways to do it, but some people just shout their voices and don't do anything about it, alas!
11 深圳真繁荣啊!吃的、喝的、玩的,五花八门样样俱全。
Shenzhen is so prosperous! There are all kinds of food, drink and play.
12 妈妈煮的菜个种款式都有,真是五花八门。
Mother cooks all kinds of dishes, it's really multifarious.
13 超市里的商品五花八门,真是应有尽有。
There are so many kinds of goods in the supermarket.