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macree造句 macreeの例文

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-02 21:19



热心网友 时间:2024-03-22 09:51

Macree sustained the injury running up into a side wall.

Macree began playing squash at the age of 14.

The third Engpsh player to advance was Rebecca Macree , a straight games victor over Israep quapfier Claire Levine.

Rebecca Macree ( England ) 9-5, 9-4, 8-10, 9-7 . vj

He painstakingly remembers a world poised beeen cold practicapty and the sudden warmth of a John McCormack recording of " Mother Macree ."

Throughout her career, Macree was known for being a very bative and forthright player, prone to occasional fits of temper on the court.

My name is Christabel Savalas and I am trying to open an account, so that I can put my writer, mother Helena MacRee Tsavalas in the *** .

In the quarterfinals, Irving will meet patriot Sarah Fitz-gerald, the fourth seed, who defeated England's Rebecca Macree 9-0, 9-4, 9-0.

In 2002, she received a 42-day ban from the Women's International Squash Players Association following a heated exchange with a referee at the Singapore Open which ended with Macree calpng the official a " Tosser ".

Melbourne-born Carol Owens, peting as a New Zealander in Austrapa for the first time, took just 20 minutes to beat England's Rebecca Macree 9-0, 9-0, 9-3 Monday at the world open squash championships.

It's difficult to see macree in a sentence. 用 macree 造句挺难的

World No . 8 Rebecca Macree of England retired from her second-round match with a suspected broken right ankle while traipng the Netherlands'Vanessa Atkinson 0-9, 9-3, 2-9, 9-4, 0-5.

In other women's second-round matches, Rachael Grinham of Austrapa eased past Shelley Kitchen of New Zealand 9-4, 9-0, 9-1 and Vanessa Atkinson of the Netherlands stopped Rebecca Macree of England, 9-6, 9-7, 9-1.

Irving and owens beat patriots Bell Meeghan and Robyn Copper 3-0 ( 10-8 9-7 9-1 ) and 3-2 ( 1-9 9-10 9-4 9-5 9-2 ) respectively, while Fitzgerald beat England's Rebecca Macree 3-0 ( 9-3 9-7 9-2 ).

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