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英文作文《Colors can affect your mood》

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 18:03



热心网友 时间:2023-06-11 16:49

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴Color is everywhere and for the most part we don't even think about it.

But how does color affect your mood when the room is a nice soft green? Are you agitated? Does it promote a calming effect and make you feel relaxed?

How about a beautiful landscape photograph or painting with many shades of green? How does that make you feel? Green symbolizes nature. It is a refreshing color that can revitalize and make you feel healthy.

Many hospital rooms feature green as their primary color. It is relaxing and very restful on the eyes.

You can also be green with envy or jealousy.

It can be the color of spring, new growth and vigor. Then again it can convey inexperience and misfortune. It all depends on how you decide to use it.

Green can actually lower one's heart rate and blood pressure. It is the most relaxing color.

Let's check out a few other colors and see what they can mean psychologically to the viewer.

Red is considered to be an intense and emotional color. It certainly attracts attention. Remember that green landscape? What happens when you see that field filled with bright, red, Indian Paintbrush wildflowers? Attracts your attention doesn't it?

Red is mostly used as an accent color just for that purpose. Its fiery feelings can promote power, aggression, blood and war.

It can also be a color of love, desire and passion. Rather ironic but it shows how things can change depending upon how you use it.

Varying shades of red like pink tends to promote a more tranquil energy field.

Blue is the peaceful color of the open sky and the oceans. It proces calming, tranquil feelings within the body. To many people it is their favorite color.

Winter scenes are cold and can even feel depressing at times. Shadows in the snow are very blue even on sunny days. Remember those winter photographs in your album, all cast in blue?

People who work in blue rooms are more proctive than rooms of any other color. In Feng Shui it is an energy color promoting harmony and good Chi.

Blue is also a color of loyalty, stability and dependability. A good thing to remember for business meetings for both the clothes you wear and the room itself. If you want to convey a conservative feeling, try blue.

How about a bright yellow Sunflower how does that make you feel, joyful and hopeful? Do warm sunny images bring happiness to your thoughts?

Yellow can be used to enhance your concentration and imagination. We use yellow legal pads for business and schoolwork. Wonder why they are yellow?

Sometimes yellow is used to mean cowardice or the feeling of being dishonest. People who run from a battle or war are thought to be a coward.

Yellow flashing lights mean a hazard is ahead, be cautious.

It can be used to speed up your metabolism and even though it is an optimistic color more people will loose their temper in a yellow room. It might be a good suggestion to paint your meeting room a nice blue tone.

This attention getting color is capable of enhancing many different moods.

What do you think of the color white? Do images of peace, innocence, maybe snow or perhaps a peaceful setting?

In Western culture white is used at weddings to symbolize reverence and purity.

It is a very neutral color that goes with just about everything. Hospitals use white for the symbolism of cleanliness and to convey a sterile setting.

Does black denote evil, anger, death and sadness in your thoughts and emotions? Black is a strong powerful hue that denotes authority and power yet it also implies submission. It all depends how it is used.

Black is a popular fashion color because it makes the wearer appear thinner to the viewer.

So as you can see color is a form of non-verbal communication. Our minds perceive their meanings in how we wear clothing, design web sites and advertising or paint our homes.

We can mix and match varying hues establishing brightness and intensity giving many different kinds of physical and psychological reactions. Understanding color helps us to communicate, giving visual vibrations that push objects forward for attention or reces them to the background.

It is all about perception and how we use them to describe our thoughts and express our feelings.

热心网友 时间:2023-06-11 16:49

灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴Is my own subjective consciousness, in time, things are objective and subjective attitude is my itself, you can control it, but if you put
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