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英语作文in the locker

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-28 02:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:32

have a lovely bedroom.  
  我有一间漂亮的卧室 。     
There is a big bed in my room.     
  There are some shoes under the bed.  
  There is a yellow desk in my room.  
  There are some pens on the desk.  
  The bed ahd desk are near the window.  
  The bed is next to the desk.  
  There are some wardrobe in my room.  
  There are some clothes on the wardrobe.  
  I have a bookcase in the room.  
  I like reading book very much.  
  Do you like reading book?  
  My bedroom is so nice.I like it.  

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:32

Each student in the school has a locker .Lockers make our school life more convenient.We can put our books we don't often use in it so that we don't have to carry too many books in our bags.We can also put bottles,lunch boxes.......almost anything in the locker.The locker is such a great invention!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:33


热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 10:34

英语作文in the locker

The bed ahd desk are near the window.床和书桌靠近窗户。The bed is next to the desk.床紧挨着书桌。There are some wardrobe in my room.有几个衣柜在我的房间。There are some clothes on the wardrobe.有一些衣服在衣柜里面。I have a bookcase in the room.我有一个书架在房间里。I l...


This is a chest, and there are many of my clothes, in the locker, is a table, on the table there are some books and newspaper, in the table, is a bed, bed is a window, it is very clean and bright.


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Of course, when I was really embarrassed, blushing, swiftly ran to the locker room. Listen, they're laughing! Hey, is "without fire ah!" Why do I wear a wedding dress? Wow, go on the way home, we are still immersed in just the good memories. Walking, said the person eloquent ...


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