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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 09:15



热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 01:04

1、No one can answer this question.
2、I don't know why he didn't come.
3、Xiao Ming like English very much.
4、He promised to visit me next week.
5、I don't know why he didn't pass the examination.
6、I give him a pen as his birthday present.
7、He asked me when to see our teacher.
8、The old man told us the way to the cinema.
9、My mother bought me a new bicycle before the new term began.
10、Tom sended me a letter without any content in it.
11、You shouldn't let you mother feel sorry.
12、I heard the birds singing early in the morning.
13、Let the little dog go out.
14、we think he is a patient teacher.
15、You should let everybody hear what you are saying when you make a speech.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 01:04

1.nobody can answer this question
2.I have no idea about why he didn't come.
3.xiaoming pretty likes English.
4.He promise to visit me nest week.
5.I don't know why he didn't pass the exam.
6.I give him a pen as the gift after his birthday.
7.he asked me when we visit our teacher.
8.The senior show us the way to the film theater.
9.My mother bought me a bicycle before the beginning of the term.
10.Tom sent me a letter without any words.
11.You shouldn't break your mom's heart.
12.I heard the bird singing in the early morning.
13.Let the dog go out.
14.We regarded him as a pretty patient teacher.
15.You have to make sure that everybody could hear your voice ring you address .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 01:05

1\Nobody can't ask this question.
2\I don't know why he go there.
3\Xiaoming like English very much.
4\He answered to me that he visited me next week.
5\I don't know why he pass this text.
6\I gave he a gift after he passed his birthday .
7\He ask me when I visit our teacher.
8\This elder tell me the way to a movie house movie theater .
9\My mother buy a bike to me when the school will start.
10\Tom sent me a letter with anything.
11\You shouldn't make you mother sad.
12\I heard that birds sing at the morning .
13\Let this dog go out.
14\We think he is a very bovine teacher.
15\You must make everybody hear you sound when you make a speech.
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