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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-16 00:56



热心网友 时间:2024-10-20 08:23

zbrush4 快捷键大全!
General Shortcuts
Open Project - Ctrl+O
Save Project - Ctrl+S
Undo - Ctrl+Z
Redo – Shift+Ctrl+Z
Popup selection (on PC only)
Tools – F1
Brushes – F2
Strokes – F3
Alphas – F4
Textures – F5
Materials - F6 (with cursor off canvas area)
Show QuickMenu - Spacebar or Right Mouse click
Show/hide floating palettes – TAB
Show item description (when Popup Info is switched on) - Ctrl+cursor over item
Show alternative item description - Ctrl+Alt+cursor over item
Assign custom hotkey – Ctrl+Alt+click on item (store hotkeys in Preferences> Hotkeys submenu)
Projection Master – G

Lightbox and Spotlight
Show/hide Lightbox - , [comma key]
load selected item - Double-click on Lightbox thumbnail (texture/alphas will be loaded into Spotlight)
load into Texture or Alpha palette - Shift+double-click on texture/alpha
Turn on/off Spotlight - Shift+Z
Show/hide Spotlight Dial - Z

Edit mode Navigation
with a 3D mesh in Edit mode -
Free Rotate - Click & drag Background
Move - Alt+Click & drag Background
Constrain to 90-degree rotation - Click+drag, press Shift
Scale – Alt+Click, Release Alt, drag Background
Rotate around Z-axis - Shift, Click, release Shift, drag
(For best results turn off RightClick Navigation in the Preferences>Interface menu.)

Right-Click Navigation
(Turn on RightClick Navigation in the Preferences>Interface menu.)
Move - Alt+Right-click & drag (can be over the model)
Scale - Ctrl+Right-click & drag (can be over the model)
Rotate - Right-click & drag (can be over the model)

Sculpting and Painting
Draw Size - S
Focal Shift - O
RGB Intensity - I
Z Intensity – U
Increase Draw Size by set units - ]
Decrease Draw Size by set units - [
(set increment in the Zplugin>Misc Utilities>Brush Increment slider)
Edit mode on/off - T
Draw - Q
Move - W
Scale - E
Rotate - R
Toggle ZAdd and ZSub - Alt (hold down)

Sculpting Brushes
Show Brush pop-up - B
Standard Brush - B - S - T
Smooth Stronger - B - S - S
Move Elastic - B - M - E
MPolish - B - M - P
ClipCurve - B - C - C
ClayLine - B - C - L

Select Color under cursor - C
Switch Color - V

Lazy mouse - L
Replay Last Stroke - 1
Record Stroke - 3
Replay All Recorded Strokes – 2

3D Models
Save Tool - Shift+Ctrl+T
Fit Mesh to view - F
Perspective – P
Floor Grid - Shift+P
Activate Symmetry - X
Show/hide Polyframe & polygroups - Shift+F
Point Selection Mode - Shift+Ctrl+P
Set Pivot Point – Ctrl+ P
Clear Pivot Point - Shift+P
Snapshot a version to canvas - Shift+S

List all SubTools - N
Alt+click on SubTool - select that SubTool

Divide - Ctrl+D
Lower Res - Shift+D
Higher Res - D
Edge Loop – Ctrl+E (partially hidden mesh)

HD Geometry
Toggle in/out of HD Sculpting mode – A (cursor over mesh)
Render all HD Geometry – A (cursor over background)

View Mask - Ctrl+H
Invert Mask - Ctrl+I
Clear Mask - Shift+Ctrl+A
Mask All – Ctrl+A
Select Masking Brush - hold Ctrl while selecting brush from popup
Paint mask on object (alphas/strokes can be used) - Ctrl (hold down)
Delete or paint reverse mask – Ctrl+Alt (hold down)
Reverse mask – Ctrl+Click Background
Clear Mask – Ctrl+Click+ drag Background
Constant-intensity mask - Ctrl+Click, release Ctrl, drag (starting off mesh)
Alpha-intensity mask (using MaskPen or MaskRect brush) - Ctrl+Click & drag
(select alpha while holding Ctrl)
Blur mask - Ctrl+Click on mesh
Sharpen mask - Ctrl+Alt+Click on mesh

Topological Masking
in Move, Scale or Rotate mode - Ctrl+click+drag the action line on the model

Partial Mesh Visibility & Clip Brushes
Select Selection or Clip Brush - hold Shift+Ctrl while selecting brush from popup
Show mesh portion – Shift+Ctrl+Click, release keys & drag (green selection area)
Hide mesh portion - Shift+Ctrl+Click, release keys & drag - press Alt (red selection area)
Move selection or clip area - 'press Spacebar without releasing mouse/pen
Show entire mesh - Shift+Ctrl+Click Background
Show only selected Polygroup (on fully visible mesh) - Shift+Ctrl+Click
Hide selected Polygroup (on fully visible mesh) - Shift+Ctrl+Click twice
Hide selected Polygroup (on partially visible mesh) - Shift+Ctrl+Click
Reverse visibility - Shift+Ctrl+Click & drag Background
ClipCurve add soft direction change - click Alt once
ClipCurve add sharp direction change - click Alt twice
reverse clip area - Alt (hold down)

Stencil On - Alt+H
Hide/Show Stencil - Ctrl+H
Coin Controller – Spacebar

Preview Adaptive Skin - A

Draw mode
Add a child ZSphere - drag ZSphere
Delete ZSphere - Alt+Click ZSphere
Add a child ZSphere at same size – Click+drag, press Shift
Add a child ZSphere and scale Link Spheres – Click+drag to size new ZSphere, press Ctrl+drag
Insert ZSphere - Click Link-Sphere
with Tool>Adaptive Skin>Use ClassicSkinning on:
Sphere Define magnet/ break mesh - Alt+Click Link-Sphere

Move mode
Move ZSphere - drag ZSphere
Pose (Natural-linked move) - drag Link-Sphere
Move Chain – Alt+drag Link-Sphere

Scale mode
Scale Zsphere - drag ZSphere
Inflate/deflate chain – Alt+drag Link-Sphere
Scale chain - drag Link-Sphere

Rotate mode
Spin chain - drag ZSphere
Control twist - Alt+drag Link-Sphere
Rotate chain - drag Link-Sphere

Activate ZSketch Edit mode - Shift+A (with a ZSphere armature in Edit mode)
Preview Unified Skin - A

Canvas and 2.5D
Reverse 2.5D brush effect - Alt (hold down)
Crop And Fill - Shift+Ctrl+F
Grab Texture From Document – Shift+Ctrl+G

Document Layers
Clear Layer - Ctrl+N
Fill Layer - Ctrl+F
Bake Layer – Ctrl+B
On Layer thumbnail, toggle all layers on/off - Shift+Click
Select layer on which clicked pixol resides - ~+Click canvas (US) @+Click canvas (UK)
Move layer contents up/down/sideways (X & Y)- ~+drag (US) @+drag (UK)

Place Marker - M
Remove Marker – Ctrl+M

Canvas Zoom
Actual Size - 0 [zero]
Antialiased Half Size - Ctrl+0
Zoom In - + [plus sign]
Zoom Out - - [minus sign]

Place a new key frame - click on the Timeline
Select an existing key frame - click on the key frame dot
Zoom Timeline in/out - click on selected key frame dot
Move selected key frame - click+drag dot to new position (dragging off end will delete)
Store new data in existing key frame - Shift+Ctrl+click on the key frame dot
Delete a key frame - click+drag dot off the Timeline
Copy selected key frame - Shift+click on the Timeline at the point where you want the copy
Copy multiple key frames - Shift+click on all the key frames dots to be copied, then Shift+click the Timeline
at the point where you want the copies
Create Transition key frame - Ctrl+click on an existing key frame dot
Create Rigid key frame - Alt+click on an existing key frame dot
Go to Previous Camera key frame - LEFT ARROW
Go to Next Camera key frame - RIGHT ARROW
Play the Timeline (will play as a loop) - Shift+click on the Timeline cursor
Stop the Timeline playing - click Esc
Record Timeline as a Movie - Shift+Ctrl+click on the Timeline cursor
(set the cursor to the start first using the LEFT ARROW)

Snapshot to Movie– Ctrl+ Shift+! (US) Shift+Ctrl+PageUp (UK)

Best Preview Render (BPR) - Shift+R
Render All - Shift+Ctrl+R
Cursor Selective Render – Ctrl+R

Custom UI and Configuration
Move item to custom interface position – Ctrl+Alt+drag (when Enable Customize is switched on)
Remove item from custom interface position – Ctrl+Alt+drag to Canvas (when Enable Customize is on)
Store Configuration File - Shift+Ctrl+I
Load User Interface Configuration File - Ctrl+L
Save User Interface Configuration File - Shift+Ctrl+Alt+I

Load ZScript - Shift+Ctrl+L
Reload ZScript - Ctrl+U
Show/Hide ZScript window - H


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