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征集一段英语口语情景对话 2分钟到三分钟

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 23:51



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 11:18

a: Hi, it has been long time. What are you up to this days?
b: Nothing much, as usual. You know me, studying all the times.What about you?
a: Me? Not really good. I have a idea of going abroad for further ecaiton. But I am not sure if my family is able to support me or not. I think it must cost a lot.
b: That's true. It's not a small amount. But if you could got high mark on GRE, then you might get the scholarship. And also, while you are studying overseas, sure it's legal to work for oversea student for certain hours. That will also help you.
a;You are right! So I must put all my effort to this GRE in order to get high mark and have the chance to get the scholarship.
b: So now, you know what you should do and time flies. Do it as you still can.
a: ok.I think i should now get back to my place, I must make details study plan and do it accordingly.
b: You's better. Not much time left since the test is closed at hand. Good luck to you!
a: Thanks! I will do my best! Just wait and see!
b: I got go now. See you next time.
a: Bye!

杨: Yesterday I got one message from your QQ, it said you wanted to borrow some money.昨天我收到你的QQ信息,说你想借点钱。李: Really? It must be a scam.My QQ has been stolen last week.真的吗?肯定是诈骗,我的QQ上周就被盗了。杨: I also think so, so I just cancelled...


2分钟二人英语对话篇一 健康与健身 对话1 A:下午好,女士。有什么我能为您效劳的吗?S:下午好,先生。我想做点运动来保持体型,你们能提供什么服务吗?A:首先,我们会根据您的身体状况和个人需求为您量身定制健身计划。S:你们是怎么做到的?A:哦,我们为每位顾客安排一名专业的私人健身教练。教练...


1. Lo Fen, a Chinese agronomist1, is staying with the Helms family in Iowa. It's Christmas Eve. Lo Fen: Your tree looks beautiful. Do you decorate it this way every year? Mrs. Helms: Yes, it's a family tradition dating back to2 my childhood. We use the same lights and ornaments...


A: Tell me a little bit about yourself.请介绍一下你自己。B: My name is David and I live in Shanghai, I was born in 1980. My major was electrical engineering.我叫David, 住在上海,出身于1980年。我的专业是电子工程。A: What kind of personality do you think you have?你认为你...


2分钟二人英语对话篇一 Health and Fitness 运动健身 dialogue 1 A: good afternoon, madam. How can I help you?下午好,女士.有什么能为您效劳吗?S: well, I am a little bit out of shape. I think I should get some exercise to keep fit. what kind of service do you offer?那个,...


B: Autumn is the best season in Beijing, you know.您知道吧,秋季是北京最好的时候。A: Yes, I can see. The summer heat is over, and the winter cold is still far away.是啊,看得出来。夏天的酷热过去了,冬天的严寒还早呢。B: What is the weather like in Washington at this ...


1.A: I'd better be going. B: So soon? Why don't you stay a little longer? A: I wish I could, but it's already late. B: Oh, it's a shame that you have to leave. A: Thank you for a wonderful meal. B: I'm glad you enjoyed it. 2.A: I really must be going now. ...

征集一段英语口语情景对话 2分钟到三分钟

a: Me? Not really good. I have a idea of going abroad for further educaiton. But I am not sure if my family is able to support me or not. I think it must cost a lot.b: That's true. It's not a small amount. But if you could got high mark on GRE, then you ...


Pancho: Well, I have seven brothers and six sisters.Carl: Wow. That is a big family. So are you the oldest, Pancho?Pancho: No. I'm the second oldest in my family.Carl: So, what do your parents do?Pancho: My father is a taxi driver in Lima, Peru. It's a hard job...


对话1:提供帮助和应答(Offers and responses)- 1. 需要帮忙吗?- 哦,是的,谢谢你。- 2. 让我帮你提袋子吧。- 嗯,我可以自己搞定。不过还是谢谢你。- 3. 我们能帮你吗?- 我想去医院,但我的腿疼走不了。- 4. 我必须现在打扫教室吗?- 哦,你不必现在就打扫。- 5. 想要一杯茶吗...

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