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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 23:32



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 00:16

Kissinger Associates, Inc. , founded in 1982, is a New York City -based international consulting firm, founded and run by Henry Kissinger , Brent Scowcroft , and Lawrence Eagleburger .
基辛格Associates公司 ,成立于1982年,是一家纽约市为基地的国际咨询公司,成立和运行亨利基辛格 , 斯考克罗夫特和劳伦斯伊格尔伯格 。 The firm assists its clients in identifying strategic partners and investment opportunities, and advises clients on government relations throughout the world.该公司帮助确定战略合作伙伴和投资机会的客户,并建议*在世界各地的客户关系。

Contents内容 [hide]
1 History 1 历史
1.1 Associated organizations and indivials 1.1 有关组织和个人
2 Client base 2 客户端基地
3 Bibliography 3 参考书目
4 References 4 参考资料
5 External links 5 外部链接

[ edit ] History [ 编辑 ] 历史
The firm was founded in 1982 by Henry Kissinger.该公司成立于1982年由亨利基辛格。

In 1999, Mack McLarty joined Kissinger to open Kissinger McLarty Associates , the firm's office on Eighteenth and Pennsylvania streets in Washington, DC [ 1 ] . 1999年, 麦克麦克拉蒂加入了基辛格基辛格打开麦克拉蒂联营公司 ,该公司的办公室和街道在宾夕法尼亚州18 华盛顿特区 [1] 。 McLarty was White House Chief of Staff under Bill Clinton.麦克拉蒂为白宫*主任根据比尔克林顿。 Kissinger McLarty is a corporate member of the Council of the Americas , the New York-based business organization established by David Rockefeller in 1965. [ 1 ] .基辛格麦克拉蒂是该公司会员会的美洲 ,纽约为基础的商业组织建立了戴维洛克菲勒在1965年。 [1] 。 As of January 2008, the two firms have separated and McLarty Associates, headed by Mack McLarty, is an independent firm based in Washington. [ 2 ]截至2008年1月,两家公司已分离麦克拉蒂联营,麦克拉蒂为首的麦克,是华盛顿的一家独立公司英寸[2]

Kissinger Associates is located in River House on Park Avenue at Fifty-first Street, in a building also occupied by Peter Peterson 's Blackstone Group . [ 3 ] It was established in July, 1982 after loans had been secured from Goldman Sachs and a consortium of three other banks.基辛格Associates是在位于府河公园大道在第五十一届街,建筑物也被占领彼得彼得森的黑石集团 。 [3]它成立于1982年7月后,从担保贷款, 高盛和财团三其他银行。 These loans were paid out in two years; by 1987 annual revenues had reached $5 million. [ 3 ]这些贷款在两年内支付;到1987年的年收入已达到500万美元。 [3]

[ edit ] Associated organizations and indivials [ 编辑 ] 有关组织和个人
Kissinger Associates has strategic alliances with several firms, including:基辛格协会已与几家公司,包括战略联盟:

APCO Worldwide , formed October 12, 2004 [ 4 ] 安可顾问 ,形成了2004年10月12日[4]
The Blackstone Group [ 5 ] , an investment and advisory firm在黑石集团 [5] ,投资和咨询公司
Hakluyt & Company [ 6 ] , a corporate investigation firm 哈克里特及公司 [6] ,一个公司的调查公司
Covington & Burling , the international law firm, since 2003. [ 7 ] 科文顿柏灵 ,国际律师事务所,自2003年以来。 [7]
Prominent staff have included:突出的工作人员包括:

L. Paul Bremer , former managing director. 布雷默 ,前常务董事。 Former Iraq Director of Reconstruction.伊拉克前主任重建。
Nelson Cunningham , managing partner at Kissinger McLarty 纳尔逊坎宁安 ,管理麦克拉蒂合伙基辛格
Lawrence Eagleburger , former partner [ 8 ] 劳伦斯伊格尔伯格 ,前合伙人[8]
Richard W. Fisher - President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas [1] 理查德费希尔 -美国总统, 达拉斯联邦储备银行 [1]
Timothy F. Geithner - United States Secretary of Treasury 盖特纳 - 美国财政部*
Bill Richardson , former Senior managing director. 比尔理查森 ,前高级董事总经理。 Former US diplomat and current Governor of New Mexico.美国前外交官,现任新墨西哥州州长。
J. Stapleton Roy , vice-chairman. 芮效俭 ,副会长。 Senior US diplomat.美国高级外交官。
Brent Scowcroft , former vice-chairman. 布伦特斯考克罗夫特 ,前副会长。 Former United States National Security Advisor .前美国*顾问 。
Directors have included:董事包括:

Lord Carrington , from 1982. [ 9 ] Secretary-General of NATO 卡林顿勋爵 ,从1982年。 [9]秘书长北约
Pehr G. Gyllenhammar , from 1982. [ 9 ] Chairman, Volvo 彼尔劳弗克Gyllenhammar ,从1982年。 [9]*, 沃尔沃
William D. Rogers , from 1982. [ 9 ] Undersecretary of State for Economic Affairs under Nixon 威廉D罗杰斯 ,从1982年。 [9]经济事务副国务卿根据尼克松
Eric Roll , from 1984 [ 10 ] . 埃里克辊 ,从1984年[10] 。 Chairman SG Warburg & Co*及秘书长沃伯格公司
William E. Simon , from 1984 [ 10 ] . Secretary of the Treasury under Nixon 威廉E ·西蒙 1984年,由[10] 。 库务局*的下尼克松
Saburo Okita [ 11 ] , former Japanese Foreign Minister 三郎大来 [11] ,日本前外相
Étienne Davignon [ 12 ] Former European Commissioner. 艾蒂安戴维尼翁 [12]前欧盟委员会委员。
Gary Falle , Falle Strategies 加里法莱 ,法莱策略
[ edit ] Client base [ 编辑 ] 客户端基地
Kissinger Associates does not disclose its list of corporate clients, and reportedly bars clients from acknowledging the relationship. [ 11 ] However, over time details from proxy statements and the tendency of senior businessmen to talk about their relationship with Kissinger have leaked out and a number of major corporate clients have been identified. [ 13 ]基辛格联营公司没有透露其客户名单的企业和客户的关系从酒吧据说承认。 [11]然而,随着时间的细节与基辛格从代理报表的倾向商界高级行政人员讨论他们的关系已经泄漏出来,一个数字大型企业客户已经确定。 [13]

The secrecy of their corporate client list has caused problems where Kissinger or a member of his staff were called to public service.他们公司的客户名单保密,导致在基辛格或他的工作人员被称为公共服务问题。 In 1989, George HW Bush nominated Lawrence Eagleburger as his Deputy Secretary of State . 1989年, 乔治HW布什提名劳伦斯伊格尔伯格作为他的副国务秘书 。 Congress required that Eagleburger disclose the names of 16 clients, some of which were his through his Kissinger Associates affiliation. [ 14 ] .国会要求伊格尔伯格披露客户的名字16,其中有些是他通过他的基辛格协会的联系。 [14] 。 Later, Kissinger himself was appointed chairman of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States by George W. Bush .后来,基辛格本人被任命为*的全国委员会关于美国遭受恐怖袭击后的美国总统布什 。 Congressional Democrats insisted that Kissinger disclose the names of clients.国会民主党人坚持说,基辛格透露客户的名称。 Kissinger and President Bush claimed that such disclosures were not necessary, but Kissinger ultimately stepped down, citing conflicts of interest.基辛格和美国总统布什声称,公开这些资料,是没有必要的,但基辛格最终下台,理由是利益冲突。

A selected list of the more notable companies (from over two dozen in total) since 1982; [ 13 ] his directorships where applicable; and some countries where known advice/contacts were used:一个著名的公司名单的选择更多(共12个来自超过两个在)自1982年以来, [13]他的董事如适用,有的国家用已知的意见/接触者:

American Express - Director (Hungary, Japan) 美国运通 -主任(匈牙利,日本)
American International Group - Director, International Advisory Committee (Argentina, China, South Korea) 美国国际集团 -主任,国际咨询委员会(阿根廷,中国,韩国)
Atlantic Richfield 大西洋富田
Chase Manhattan Bank (now JPMorgan Chase ) - Chairman, International Advisory Committee 大通曼哈顿银行 (现为摩根大通 ) -*,国际顾问委员会
Coca-Cola (Malaysia) 可口可乐 (马来西亚)
Fiat 菲亚特
Freeport-McMoRan - Director (Burma, Indonesia, Panama) Freeport - McMoRan的 -主任(缅甸,印度尼西亚,巴拿马)
Heinz (Ivory Coast, Turkey, Zimbabwe) 亨氏 (象牙海岸,土耳其,津巴布韦)
Hollinger, Inc. - Director 霍林格公司 -董事
Lehman Brothers Kissinger McLarty Assoc. 雷曼兄弟基辛格麦克拉蒂协会。 is listed as a creditor in the Bankruptcy Filings.被列为债权人的破产申请。
Merck 默克
Volvo 沃尔沃
Warburg 沃伯格

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 00:17

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