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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 23:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 04:28

The world's major time-keeper is the beginning of the New Year's time to nanoseconds? They are just refer to a clock. California palo alto the Wright - page in last month's card open a new precision timer (just caught in the beginning of the New Year when the bell ring. For nearly 30 years, the company has been in the military and scientific aspects for the customer provides, the most advanced coefficients.thus eighty years running every variety and the error of not more than one second. But this new generation procts are precisely to 160 million (than can be traced back to the entire human history even longer only) one second of error. The specification is equivalent to $54000 value, desktop computers.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 04:29

The world's major time-keeper is the beginning of the New Year's time to nanoseconds? They are just refer to a clock. California palo alto the Wright - page in last month's card open a new precision timer (just caught in the beginning of the New Year when the bell ring. For nearly 30 years, the company has been in the military and scientific aspects for the customer provides, the most advanced coefficients.thus eighty years running every variety and the error of not more than one second. But this new generation procts are precisely to 160 million (than can be traced back to the entire human history even longer only) one second of error. The specification is equivalent to $54000 value, desktop computers.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 04:29

In the world of professional staff time is how to start the New Year the time accurate to nanoseconds it? They are nothing but a kind of atomic clock reference only. Palo Alto, California, Sue Wright - Pei Kade end of last month the company unveiled a new precision timer (just in time for the new year, when New Year's bell ringing)
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