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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-06 21:57



热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 19:14

If one day I from your world, you will cry disappears, like lost themselves?
If one day you from the world, and I will disappear, you were mad through the streets, and for me?
If one day you from the world, and I will disappear, you and I followed similar shadow, e to confirm that I?
If one day I from your world, you will be gone through the corner, we went to pick up that once belonged to our memory?
If one day I from your world, you will disappear as television, remember me forever?

Maybe she never know what I want to say that every life, forever, so I have a special words, like the heart is only invisible hand in a pinch heavily. I knew it right from the start, we won't have a period of the future, there exists, it all in the upcoming remind me lose. I swear I never like at the moment think so and a man always together, although I don't know what is always a concept, but each time with you, and you will say a word each made me more determined me this faith, but meanwhile, I also will be more pain. "I want to tell you loud, I like crazy." But I can't, I haven't the qualification.

All the mistakes because a start, if I did not meet you, maybe I won't be lonely lonely, but, If I love you, I might have pity, but not dilemma, If I don't understand all this result, maybe I'll happier, but the end much faster. If I am a thief, then this world would steal my heart, but I was stolen in the process of your heart, my heart has been you steal. If the world without you, so in front of these if will always be if.
Don't know you are able to do.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-20 19:14

高手在 百度知道 > 外语/出国 > 英语 这个分类下期待为你解决难题。

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