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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 22:13



热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 06:00

Hello! I am King**, who has attended the interview of Sassoon at 10:30, June 1. I am very appreciated that Sassoon could give me the oppotunity of entering this interview, and that the 4 interviewers could take the trouble of making the interview ring their busy work.

In this interview, I have realized some deficiencies in myself which I would endeavor to comquer. It would be my honor to get the offer of Sassoon. Also, I believe that I would be well qualified for this job.

May Sassoon get more and more successful!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 06:01

Hello! I was 10:30 June 1st assistant in the interview Sassoon gold * *, thank you very much for this interview Sassoon can give me a chance, also thank the interviewer for four more to the interview

In this interview, I feel my some deficiencies. If I can work in my pleasure Sassoon, of course, I also believe that I can do this job

Finally I wish Sassoon better and better!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 06:01

Hello! I was at 10:30 on the June 1 to participate in the interview Sassoon Assistant Kim **, Sassoon very grateful to give me the chance for an interview, but also to thank the interviewer four years apart from his busy schele to preside over this interview

In this interview I feel that certain deficiencies in my. Sassoon into work if I have had the honor, of course, I also believe that I can do this work

Finally, I wish Sassoon better and better!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-24 06:02

hi,nice to meet u. i'm Jin who attended an interview for Sassoon's assistant at 10 O'clock,June 1st. i'm very apreciate Sassoon give me the chance.And pls let me give my thanks to 4 interviewers taking time out of your Busy lives to preside over at this interview.
i realized some of my shortcomings via this interview.It's my honor if i can work for Sassoon.Certainly i'm quite qualified for this work.
Sassoon will be better and better!

May Sassoon get more and more successful!


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翻译如下:我已经安全到达中国,请你和你的家人放心。感谢你们全家一年来的热情帮助,我会记得作为交换生在英国学习生活了一年的难忘的经历。希望你们一家人有时间来中国旅游,我很欢迎,期待你们的到来。Dear Mr.Smith Hi! I'm LiuYang.I have arrived safely in China. Don't worry for me!Thank y...


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to invite me, and I deeply appreciate your hospitality.Sincerely yours,Han Li 2、亲爱的本顿夫人:非常感谢您们让我在林荫庄园度过的四天!在那里,每一时刻都会令人高兴,我记不起在别的什么地方比在那里过得更愉快了!您和本顿医生对我的邀请太好了,非常感谢你们的盛情招待。您真挚的 韩丽 ...


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